cannabis for panic disorders
cannabis for panic disorders

Top Cannabis Strains For Panic Disorders

Marijuana Strains For Panic Attacks

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Monday Feb 27, 2017

Top Cannabis Strains For Panic Disorders

Having a Panic Attack? What Marijuana Strain Should You Reach For? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


Living with a panic disorder means that you never know when you’re going to have the next attack. It could happen while you’re at the shower, at work, or even at home relaxing. Panic disorders are one of the most terrifying conditions to live with, and it’s just as distressing to see someone you love suffer from panic attacks.



Panic disorder treatments are available in the form of antidepressant pills, and may be combined with relaxation techniques, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, cannabis is already known to have potent relaxing and calming effects on the mind, making it a suitable natural alternative without the harmful side effects of antidepressants and other pills.



Here’s a list of the top 5 best strains for panic attacks:



purple kush strain

  • Purple Kush is one of the world’s most powerful strains, so it’s best suited for patients who already have experience with cannabis. One of the unique qualities of Purple Kush is its long-lasting high, which lasts much longer than the average strain; ideal for patients seeking hours of relief without having to top up on their hit. Purple Kush products feelings of extreme euphoria and happiness, which will eventually lead to craving for your bed. Purple Kush is best enjoyed in the comforts of your home and before bedtime. Purple Kush is also ideal if you suffer from headaches, stress, and depression accompanying your panic attacks.



cinex strain

  • Cinex is a mild sativa hybrid that produces mellow yet uplifting and happy effects. While people with anxiety-related disorders such as panic attacks would normally steer clear from sativas, Cinex is a special exception to the rule. Cinex is an energizing strain that gives you a clear head, making it suitable for daytime use. It’s much less speedy than other sativa varieties, and can even have you break out into a giggle occasionally. For the panic disorder patient, Cinex is recommended especially if you aren’t too fond of getting into a deep, intense body high and want to accomplish things during the day. Just make sure that you take some clear eyes with you because Cinex is known to give off dry eyes.



og kush strain

  •  OG Kush is a hybrid which could either give a more sativa or indica effect, depending on the breeding. OG Kush is a strong strain, but it’s loved for producing a great cerebral hit combined with utter happiness and total body relaxation. OG Kush is widely used in the treatment of depression; ideal for patients who experience extreme panic attacks and depression alongside it. It’s also a good strain for combating stress and anger management.



master kush strain

  • Master Kush is a superb strain for evening relaxation; expect it to relax every cell in your body. Master Kush will calm you down and inspire tranquility, the ultimate solution to preventing your next panic attack especially if you’re prone to these episodes in the evening. Master Kush is a favorite indica among recreational users as well because it’s known to enhance almost any activity, so if distracting yourself is your preferred method of coping with panic attacks you’re sure to enjoy it 200% more when you smoke some Master Kush before hand. Why not try getting a massage, doing yoga and meditation, or listening to music with this excellent strain?



white rhino strain

  •  White Rhino gives a fantastic head high that many other strains can’t beat. White Rhino will leave you feeling euphoric, relaxed, and happy. This strain is popular for its medicinal uses, and is also one of the strongest indicas around. Be prepared to get knocked out, this strain will likely lull you into a gentle, deep slumber. White Rhino is recommended if you’re also experiencing a lack of appetite, stress, and insomnia combined with panic disorder. It’s grown to be one of the favorite strains of people suffering from anxiety and extreme stress because it works so well to eliminate these as soon as you smoke a few puffs! However, some users have reported feeling dizzy and developing dry eyes as well as cotton mouth with this strain, so be prepared for those too.



Some patients of panic disorder report experiencing more relief from consuming indica strains, while others prefer hybrid or sativa strains. If it’s your first time to experiment with cannabis for panic disorders, do some trial and error with these strains and see which ones you like the most.












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