How to Diversity Your CBD Usage with Tried-and-Tested Methods

How to Diversity Your CBD Usage with Tried-and-Tested Methods

Should you change up your CBD intake methods so your body has to react?

Posted by:
christalcann on Thursday Sep 3, 2020

Diversifying CBD Usage with Tried-and-tested Methods

cbd diversity

One of the fastest-growing segments of the mainstream retail market in the United States is the CBD (cannabidiol) market. By 2022, the Brightfield Group estimates that it will be worth $22 billion in the U.S. alone, indicating growing acceptance for this naturally-occurring chemical, which is derived from a widely misunderstood gift of Mother Nature.


CBD is also making waves elsewhere around the world, with the value of the global CBD market pegged at $4.6 billion back in 2018; a figure that is projected to inflate at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.2% between the years 2019 and 2025.


If you want to join the flourishing CBD consumer demographic, you should first devote some time to understanding the various methods of usage. After all, everybody is different and your body deserves the best!


How exactly can CBD enhance the functioning of the human body?

Before dosing up on CBD, enlighten yourself on its uses. Feeding your knowledge on this cannabis-derived compound, A.K.A. "cannabinoid", will help you to identify its place in your lifestyle. Non-psychoactive (but potent in many other ways,) CBD is one of hundreds of chemicals produced naturally by the cannabis plant.


Preliminary clinical research has demonstrated that CBD could possess anti-inflammatory properties, minimize anxiety and stress, enhance sleep quality and amplify cognitive abilities. Additionally, its ability to reduce seizures has led to it being approved as an epilepsy treatment among young epileptic patients who use GW Pharmaceuticals' CBD-containing prescription drug Epidiolex for epilepsy.


The Four Main Methods of CBD Consumption

Despite still being in its infant stages, the CBD market has come on in leaps and bounds. Innovations in extraction and equipment technologies, combined with a metamorphosing scientific landscape, have contributed to an ever-evolving product selection cropping up on eCommerce sites and the shelves of brick-and-mortar retail stores/dispensaries.


The time frame in which you want to experience CBD's effects should be a deciding factor when choosing a method of administration. Listed below are the four main methods of CBD consumption/product types:


Inhaling CBD - Studies have shown that the vapor-inhalation approach is a suitable preclinical model for investigations into inhaled CBD's effects. Going down this route means that you will have the choice of smoking or vaping CBD in the form of raw flower or oils. Specially crafted vape pens are designed to burn CBD-rich oils at the perfect temperature, before delivering a clean burst of vapor into the lungs. Allow the vapor – or smoke, if you prefer combustible options – to remain inside the mouth for a few minutes before exhaling, since this will ensure that the capillaries beneath your tongue can maximize the cannabinoid's bioavailability.

Topical CBD - Why not unlock the power of CBD by applying it to your skin topically? Individuals who seek out localized relief from muscle aches, soreness, redness and inflammation would benefit from topical solutions, which include lotions, balms, salves and transdermal patches. Applying topical CBD to areas of the body that are rich in capillaries, muscles, inflammatory cells and pain-perceiving nerves will ensure more CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Sublingual CBD - In Latin, "sublingual" translates to “under the tongue”. A randomized controlled trial, titled, "Effect of sublingual application of cannabinoids on intraocular pressure: a pilot study" showed that a single 5 mg sublingual dose of cannabinoids reduced IOP in patients, with researchers claiming sublingual CBD is a well-tolerated method of consumption. CBD consumers can benefit from maximum bloodstream levels when they consume products in the sublingual category; typically, the effects will materialize between 30 minutes and 4-5 hours.

Ingesting CBD - A laboratory study on rats saw favorable drug effects when CBD was consumed by ingestion, with optimum response occurring three hours post-ingestion; CBD's effects began to dissipate after 24 hours. Products that fall into the category of ingestible CBD include capsules, gummies and tinctures, the latter of which can release its effects within 15 minutes after being absorbed into the bloodstream via the mouth; a process that takes as little as 30 seconds.


CBD Dosage is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Rule

Numerous factors will come into play when you are selecting a desirable CBD dosage, such as your reasons for using CBD; e.g. for symptomatic relief or as a general aid to your wellbeing. Aside from figuring out your goals, you should think about genetics, weight, height, gender and current lifestyle choices, since these things can affect the way CBD makes you feel.


"Start slow and go slow," say the experts. This is some valuable advice, since much of the CBD you consume will be lost by poor absorption into the bloodstream or inability to reach its targets. Notwithstanding this fact, there are some things you can do to boost the amount of CBD your body absorbs. 


As a fat-soluble molecule, bloodstream bioavailability could be boosted 3-fold to 5-fold if you have eaten a generous dose of healthy fats before consuming CBD. Considering the fact that chewing stimulates blood flow to your mouth, absorption could be greatly increased when you eat CBD-infused goods.


Finding the Best Type of CBD for Your Personal Needs

Did you know that there are over 65 unique targets throughout your body by which CBD can trigger a therapeutic effect? Determining what you wish to harness from CBD consumption is critical to understanding which targets you should, well, target. Tracking your progress by journaling is an effective way of judging whether or not your chosen CBD dosage is sufficiently stimulating these targets to produce its effects.


Broad spectrum, whole plant and full spectrum CBD products have gained a competitive advantage over pure CBD isolate products. Why? Because while isolates pack a punch of the cannabinoid, without being tarnished by other chemicals and plant compounds, these products lack the necessary molecules required to trigger the "entourage effect" — a synergistic reaction between all the natural plant constituents that can bolster CBD's remedial capabilities.



Although further research is required, many clinical trials have revealed that prescribed daily doses of up to 1,200 mg CBD did not trigger any serious side effects when administered to study subjects over the course of a few months.


Nonetheless, there's a chance that CBD could lower blood pressure and potentially disrupt the body’s ability to process various kinds of pharmaceutical drugs; since the cannabinoid can inhibit cytochrome p450. With that being said, always contact your doctor or healthcare professional ahead of using CBD products if you have any health concerns.






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