aloe vera and marijuana
aloe vera and marijuana

Aloe Vera to Nourish and Protect Your Cannabis Crop?

Can aloe vera protect and your marijuana plants?

Posted by:
Joseph Billions on Monday Jun 22, 2020

Use Aloe Vera to Nourish and Protect Your Cannabis Crop

aloe vera and marijuana plants

Just like Cannabis, Aloe Vera is a lush and powerful plant that has been cultivated and used for thousands of years in medicine all around the world. The 'Ebers Papyrus' that is described as the oldest document about medicine explains the several uses of Aloe Vera. This wonderful plant has a composition of 99% water but the unbelievable fact is that the remaining 1% can work a lot of magic. This is because it contains a high level of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. All these are embedded in the gel of an Aloe Vera. In most cosmetic products and health supplements, Aloe Vera is a core ingredient. This is because the skin, leaf, and gel of an Aloe Vera plant contain about 75 active components like organic acids, polysaccharides, enzymes, saponins, vitamins, and minerals, etc. It is also used as a healing and regenerative agent. If we as humans can benefit from Aloe Vera, then it should be able to nourish and protect our cannabis plants too.

As of today, there has been a lot of campaign for cannabis growers to switch to the organic method in growing their seeds. The campaign worked as growers are now focusing on using more organic methods to improve harvests, soil health, increase garden biodiversity and also heal the environment. Organic methods include the use of different plant allies to deter pests, create compost, attract beneficial organisms, clone strains, and even fertilize crops. Aloe Vera is a front liner in the species used in this organic formation. The components of Aloe Vera can assist and benefit the cannabis plant in several unparalleled ways. But many cannabis growers don't even have access to this knowledge. At no cost at all, Aloe Vera can help to clone your cannabis plants organically. It is a plant loaded with several compounds that will nourish and protect your cannabis crop. If your priority as a grower is growing delicious organic buds, then Aloe Vera is your best bet.

Benefits of Aloe Vera to Cannabis Plants

1. It serves as a boost for cloning, root, and growth development.

Aloe Vera is a quality supplement for the cloning, growth, and root development of a cannabis plant due to its immense nutrient composition. It accelerates cell division, stimulates root growth, and even increases water and nutrient uptake. The stimulation of root growth allows the cannabis plant to be resilient to environmental agents such as harsh wind and drought. It aids seed germination and also prevents or ease transplant shock. During cloning and propagation, Aloe Vera can be used as a rooting hormone. The natural nutritious composition of the Aloe Vera makes it a potent fertilizer for cannabis plants and that is why it is the best option in enhancing cannabis plant cell strength and root development.

2. Use it as a foliar spray

Organic growers can use Aloe Vera as a foliar spray. The essence of foliar spraying is because cannabis plants tend to absorb enzymes and micronutrients faster through their leaves than roots. Micronutrients such as zinc, calcium, manganese, and magnesium are provided to the plants during foliar spraying. Foliar spraying with Aloe Vera is most efficient when you want to help your cannabis plant recover from a disease or deficiency. This process also enhances the biodiversity of the soil and attract beneficial microorganisms like mycorrhizal fungi that help with nutrient absorption in cannabis plants. Application of Aloe Vera as a foliar spray should be a weekly ritual until your cannabis plants begin to flower. You can use Aloe Vera as a foliar spray by mixing 4 liters of water with two teaspoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel.

3. It protects against environmental stress and disease

Aloe Vera contains a high level of saponins, which revive the soil and allow water to infiltrate the roots. Saponins also protect against menaces like fungi and detrimental microbes. It also helps to avoid pest invasion and serves as toxic to insects. Aloe Vera also strengthens the plant immune system through a component called Salicylic acid. This substance does trigger a response in cannabis plants called systemic acquired resistance (SAR). The salicylic acid protects the plant and enhances its resistance power to environmental hazards such as heat, osmotic stress, and drought.

Growing and Caring For Your Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the easiest plants to grow. It can blossom whether you grow it inside or outdoors in a warm climate as periodic sun lighting is important to help the plants grow appropriately. Caring for your Aloe Vera is always on the low maintenance level and it is considerably cheap. You don't need to bombard your Aloe Vera with a lot of water or nutrients, but you need to feed your Aloe Vera with organic fertilizer to strengthen the gel. Your Aloe Vera will produce the best organic gel to foliar feed and clone your cannabis plants if it is planted in well-drained soil.

The effect of Aloe Vera on the cannabis plants is enormous, the relationship between them is unique. All cannabis growers should cultivate the habit of using Aloe Vera to nourish and protect their cannabis plant.



aloe and cannabis








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