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black lives matter weed

Why Cannabis Activists and Black Lives Matter Protestors Have Always Been on the Same Side

It is time for major changes around BLM and Cannabis

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Thursday Jun 11, 2020

Why Cannabis Activists and Black Lives Matter Protesters have always been on the same side

black lives matter cannabis

In 1967, the mainstream media called it “The Summer of Love”. This was true only for a very small population of people. For the rest of the country, the Summer of Love was a summer of unrest, racial tensions, and violence – very similar to what we are experiencing today.


The Riots of the Long, Hot Summer. The “Summer of Love” in the United States took place alongside rising racial tensions in many of the country's cities. Nearly 160 riots occurred across the United States in the summer of 1967. - Source


This all occurred roughly four years after the assassination of JFK and two years before the regime of Nixon. This is all-important for several reasons I’ll explain later.


For Black America – there was no summer of love. They have been stuck in one of the longest winters that seem to have continued up until 2020.


Things didn’t get any better…


In 1968, Martin Luther King is assassinated. The Vietnam War is in full swing – the US isn’t doing too well in the war either. People back home are tired of sending their children to the slaughter. Black people are tired of being treated as non-citizens and a racist is working with a criminal to create a policy that would eventually lead to the incarceration and disruption of millions of minorities all over the world – The War on Drugs.


If you don’t know who the racist is – it’s Anslinger. The Criminal is Nixon, however, he was also a racist so we only make the distinction for the sake of differentiating the two cunts I’m about to talk about.


Anslinger spent years ramping up the idea that “cannabis” makes “darkies think they are as good as white men” [For reals!] and helped establish the racial undertones that govern not only our drug laws but much of our police force. More on that later.


Obviously, after the assassination of King, more unrest occurred. The war was going bad and this wasn’t good for Nixon who saw the opportunity to use marijuana – something that black America and anti-war protestors had in common – and created the War on Drugs.


Fast Forward to Today 2020


Now – almost 50-years of brutality we’re seeing 2020 burn-in dark towering clouds of black smoke. We’re seeing riots in several cities over the death of yet another black man. We’re seeing a militarized police force beating people with absolutely no consequence for their violence.


What we’re seeing is the result of decades of “tough on crime” and trying to “beat people into submission over drugs” – there’s a schism between law enforcement and the people. There is entrenched racial oppression from authorities – who were initially created to track down escaped slaves.


 The War on Drugs has only acted as a blanket excuse to continue the systemic oppression, except “race”, has been substituted for “drugs”. As a result, not only Black America felt the weight of the draconian policies – ushered in by both the “Republicans and Democrats” – but every minority and the poor person suddenly fell victim to these laws.


The cops now had a legal right to stop and frisk, detain under suspicion, steal property under obscure RICO laws, and much more.


Fighting for reform – fighting for freedom


The system is created to maintain the status quo. It’s reasons like this I don’t think that voting either for Trump or Biden will make any difference. They are all a bunch of millionaires/billionaires that don’t care about any of us. Biden used the War on Drugs to prop up his name. Now that “tough on crime” isn’t popular anymore – he flips to a softer approach.


This is a man with no principles. And then – we have Trump. None of these candidates seem to be the right choice. They are the old system desperately trying to cling on for dear life as everything around it changes.  However – when it comes to things like human rights, like black lives and the freedom to express one’s individuality, 50-years of the Drug War and hundreds of years of systemic oppression against people of color – we cannot continue to say, “That’s just the way things are…”


It may be the way things are…but it certainly doesn’t have to be the way it needs to continue. Right now we’re in a very interesting time and enough people are angry at the system that we could force some real change.


However – we need to be realists and see that those that protect murder-cops are elected officials who receive money from Police Unions. If you think Biden is going to change shit – he’s received just as much money from Police Unions for you to be smart enough to know he’s just another government shill. Just the same shit with a different name.


I don’t know how we’re going to change things – perhaps re-doing the police from the ground up might be something, perhaps reducing the responsibility of the police or creating new protocols all might help – one thing that isn’t is the Racist and Militarizing policy known as the War on Drugs.


Perhaps – now is a good time to end the War on people.



legalizing cannabis for BLM and justice





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