online smoke session on Zoom
online smoke session on Zoom

Zoom Sesh - How to Host a Virtual Marijuana Smoking Session Online

How do you host a chill online smoke session with your friends?

Posted by:
420 Bills on Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

How to Host a Successful Virtual Marijuana Smoking Session

online smoke sesh marijuana on zoom

Times are gradually changing, new forms or approaches to life in many respects are being formed as we adapt to our current reality. The COVID-19 pandemic that rocked the world in 2020 has immensely impacted life and things would probably never be as they once were, as several changes to life as we know it has been evident. Apart from the devastating effects on human life, livelihood, and commercial activities, the pandemic also caused changes to our regular way of life. Restrictions and guidelines involving social distancing, the use of nose masks, etc have now become the norm. So unlike before, it's not advisable for you and lots of friends to get together and enjoy marijuana. An unfortunate reality. Luckily, something can be done! Ever heard of a virtual marijuana smoking session?

Read on as I briefly summarize what it's all about, and how you and friends can enjoy yourselves to the fullest while being safe from COVID-19.

A closer look

Cannabis smoking is as much a personal activity as it is a social activity. Cannabis smokers see smoking as an intimate experience as it usually involves joints or pipes being shared between smokers. Although a smoking session can also take place with every smoker having their own joint, it's still considered personal and intimate because of the memories, stories, etc being shared in the bliss of euphoria. Unfortunately, the restrictions and guidelines that have been put in different places have made having conventional smoking sessions next to impossible. This has starved many cannabis smokers of the joy of catching up with friends, socializing, and enjoying a joint together.

What is a Virtual Marijuana Smoking Session?

The development of social technology has provided a solution to simulate most if not all of the benefits of a physical smoking session. Social mediums like Zoom, Google Hangout, Houseparty, and FaceTime are all mediums that can help to make a virtual smoking session possible. The concept of having a virtual smoking session is not too alien as there are a host of normal physical activities that have moved to such platforms since the pandemic. Regular parties, social activites, and even religious activities are now being held on Zoom.  So having a virtual smoking session is actually not a big deal; all that is needed is for you to know how to go about it, so y'all have a blast.

Hosting a virtual marijuana smoking session is not something one just walks into half-baked. There are series of things that must be put in place to ensure the goal of the activity is achieved and you all have a good time. Here are some of the things to do if you want to host a successful virtual smoking session.


Things to put in place

Clearly state the purpose of the zoom meeting.

As stated earlier, these are changing times and many of the activities of most people are done online. This means that most people will probably have more than one Zoom meeting invitation addressed to them regularly. This is why it is important that the purpose of the zoom meeting be clearly stated beforehand. This will ensure that the people who get the invitation know exactly what to expect from the meeting so when they join, you know they are on board. Most times such invitations only go to friends and smoke buddies who already know what's up. However, to keep things coordinated, it's advisable to state the purpose of the meeting.

Have some guidelines to keep the session as interactive as possible

It is usually sad when online meetings are set up and people do not attend or people attend and they start to leave few minutes into the meeting. This is why it is important to state some regulations to ensure the meeting is well-coordinated and disruption is avoided. Although, most of these sessions usually occur between regular smoke buddies; it doesn’t hurt to have some rules to guide everyone.

Allow every user to use their preferred product form

The uniqueness and beauty of cannabis is that there are different ways to go about enjoying it. Some smokers are traditional and they cannot let go of their blunts and joints. Some on the other hand are lovers of bongs, pipes, vape pens, etc. Avoid restricting your virtual marijuana smoking session to just one form of cannabis consumption. This won't just make it more fun, it'll also help you accommodate as many people as possible.

Advise friends to go for relaxing strains of cannabis

More often than not, the goal of these virtual smoking sessions is relaxation, so everyone can have a good time. It is therefore advisable that cannabis strains with a good level of CBD that can promote the relaxation and calmness of the mind are used. Snacks, beverages, and food should also be kept close by each participant to spice up the session later on.

Avoid troublesome topics

Virtual marijuana smoking sessions aren’t just about people sharing a joint and moving on. Smokers have logical and social conversations during smoking sessions especially when they are all closely related. Given the times that we are in, with all that is happening in the world and how differently they weigh on people, it is advisable to stay off troublesome, controversial topics in your virtual sessions. Having strong arguments about politics or the pandemic will help no one to relax. It can cause disruption which will defeat the goal of the smoking session. Try to keep the topics of discussion as basic as possible and ensure they are relatable.

Have activities to do

Online meetings become bland and uneventful when there are no interesting activities to spice up the meeting. While it is good to avoid troublesome topics, there are a number of things that can be done to promote the harmony of smoking together even if it is done online. Common shared experiences are a good way to start as it encourages everyone to play a part and contribute in the discourse. You can also have fun games to play among yourselves while everyone enjoys the relaxing benefits of cannabis. Music reviews and movie reviews can also be done as it prolongs the meeting and brings everyone on board.

Bottom line

Virtual smoking sessions can be fantastic if done the right way. After having one successful virtual smoking session, you can proceed to have more sessions and can even go as far as setting a recurring time to meet.





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