Cannabis Coloring Books & Comics with Ganja Superheroes got to go one-on-one with Black Metal Ink Comic founder, Tim Ghee. Tim is creating new cannabis coloring books and comic books that feature marijuana superheroes and comic book plot lines. How did Tim get started an in illustrator and how did he get into creating pot superheroes and cannabis comic books, let's find out!
How old were you when you know you wanted to be an illustrator or had a drawing talent?
I would like to clarify that I am the creator and founder of Black Metal Ink Comics. While I do create as well as own the characters, from their conception to every small detail you see on the page, I consider myself the storyteller and my characters are the embodiment of those tales. I do not draw the images myself; it is work that is commissioned, but the designs are all from me.
How did your artwork lead into cannabis characters and superheroes?
The company started as a t-shirt idea I had back in 2008 and it evolved into hundreds of characters with stories that surround each of them.
You do a full comic book and coloring books as well, which one is more popular?
Since the novel was recently released in April 2019, the coloring books have more popularity as they have been out in the public longer, with the first one published in 2014. But there will be more promotion surrounding the novel, whereas hard copies will be sold in early 2020 for now the novel is only available as a digital download.
You added a clothing line for the characters, what are your favorite characters on the shirts?
The clothing line came first, and everything else came later on, but my favorite characters are Timmy The Cannabis Bear, Davollace, The Savage Pirate, and Kee-Kee The Kush Smokin’ Puppy. It’s hard to pick and choose because I love all of the characters I have created, but those are my top three.
How can someone find your books and order them? Social media? Website?
You can find everything, including the digital download, on our website as well as Instagram, and join our Facebook page for updates and sales. Again, the paperback version of the novel will be available for purchase in early 2020, following us on all social media will give you the exclusive release date for the hard copy.
Do you think we will see a mainstream cannabis cartoon or comic character in the next few years?
Yes, eventually we will see it, sooner rather than later. I hope to lead the charge with Black Metal Ink Comics, and Cannabis Bear Productions. My goal is to be at the forefront with not only my coloring books and novels but by creating the cartoons, and video games with my characters using cannabis within the storylines.
Will we see cannabis use in a Marvel movie or superhero film do you think?
No, I don’t believe Marvel would make a move like that, being owned by the wholesomeness of Disney. However, I plan to be on the forefront with the Cannabis heroes and villains. My book The Lost Chronicles of Davollace give the readers that extreme energy that Marvel wouldn’t dare venture into, the savagery is real throughout.
What new characters will we see in the future or what is the plan?
With The Lost Chronicles of Davollace, book two coming out in 2020, you’ll be introduced to all new characters as well as be closer acquainted to ones that you met in the first novel. I don’t want to say too much, but you’ll want to finish the first book in anticipation for the action that is coming in the next. We also have new coloring books coming, as well as new character tee’s on the way, but you’ll to be sure to follow us to get all of the updates and for special promotions.
Thanks, Tim, and best of luck!
Check out all of Tim's new drawings and clothing line, click here!