cbd for muscle pain or thc, too
cbd for muscle pain or thc, too

Can CBD Alone Help with Muscle Pain (Do You Need THC, Too?)

CBD is helping millions but do you need more THC for muscle pain?

Posted by:
Chiara C on Friday Jan 10, 2020

How CBD Can Help with Muscle Pain

cbd for muscle pain

There’s no disputing it. Cannabidiol (CBD) is here to stay, and for good reason. The wonder cannabinoid possesses a range of benefits that can help in treating everything from insomnia to multiple sclerosis. CBD is THC’s non-psychoactive cousin, which means it won’t get you high, even with the 0.3 percent of THC that’s present in most CBD products.


But apart from treating diseases and a number of conditions, CBD can also help with joint and muscle pain, making it a powerhouse when it comes to relief and recovery. This is why many professional athletes have been turning to it to help their bodies recover both before and after training. Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, which effectively legalized industrial hemp and all hemp-derived CBD products, celebrity athletes aren’t the only ones who can access nature’s painkiller. This is also why it’s started to show up in mainstream groceries and health stores.


Inflammation is the main reason our muscles become sore after working out. This is because our bodies produce cortisol during high intensity activities. Cortisol is the catabolic hormone responsible for breaking down muscle tissue and reducing protein synthesis. Aside from cortisol, adrenaline and glucagon are also catabolic hormones that can reduce protein synthesis and are produced in high levels during intense workouts.


But cortisol isn’t necessarily bad. It does provide benefits such as helping the liver remove toxins from the body and regulating blood sugar levels. It’s when cortisol levels are too high that things start to go wrong.


The high production of these hormones are counterproductive to the very reasons many of us work out and train. We exercise to build muscle, increase stamina, and improve our immune systems. But when we overdo it, we end up doing the exact opposite.


When we don’t rest enough between workouts and push our bodies further than they have the capacity to go, we put unnecessary stress on it, which leads to high levels of inflammation, which can, in turn, lead to a variety of undesirable conditions and diseases. Unfortunately, we don’t always know that our bodies can’t process the stress it’s under until it’s too late. Until we’re saddled with a variety of aches and pains. This is exactly where CBD comes in and saves the day, or at least make it a little less painful.


Multiple studies have shown that CBD interferes with the body’s production of cortisol, helping it maintain healthy levels and promoting muscle growth. Former chief medical officer and founding member of HelloMD, Dr. Perry Solomon, told Men’s Health that CBD can help “decrease inflammation when it's rubbed on muscles as an ointment or taken orally.”


Meanwhile, a study published in Frontiers in Neurology said that CBD helps reduce inflammation in the body and helps improve pain and mobility in multiple sclerosis patients. It’s also “antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective.”


For decades, people have relied on NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) to cope with muscle and joint pain. While highly effective as an analgesic, NSAIDs come with a few undesirable side effects. Take too much, and your risk of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding, heart attack, and kidney disease goes up considerably.


CBD, on the other hand, has been found to be safe at up to 1,500 mg per day and chronic use has been shown to be well-tolerated in humans. A good rule of thumb when dosing is 1-6 milligrams of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. Start small first then increase by 5-10mg until you start to notice positive effects. This is just a jumping off point to get you started and should be closely monitored.


When taken before a workout or training session, CBD can help with recovery, helping muscle growth and relieving any pain and soreness that’s associated with long periods of physical activity. CBD products from reputable companies like Lord Jones, Vertly, Saint Jane, and Floyd’s of Leadville, which was founded by former pro cyclist Floyd Landis, are good introductions to topical CBD products that have been known to be effective in treating muscle and joint pain.


CBD can also be beneficial when taken before a workout. Here are a few reasons why:


-    Helps regulate breathing

-    Helps relax muscles

-    Reduces cramps

-    Balances dopamine levels

-    Increases energy levels

-    Puts mind at ease


These all result in smoother movements and enhanced agility, which are ideal for long periods of cardiovascular activity like running or cycling. CBD and hemp oil is also believed to help reduce dehydration and reduce muscle strain during workouts.


As with most products, and just like with skincare, ‘your mileage may vary.’ Make sure to do your research and consult an expert before beginning any regimen. Thankfully, CBD’s adverse effects are minimal, so even if you find it isn’t effective, it shouldn’t have any lasting negative health effects.








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