cannabis for bladder cancer
cannabis for bladder cancer

Cannabis for Bladder Cancer

Medical Marijuana For Bladder Cancer

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Sunday Nov 19, 2017

Cannabis for Bladder Cancer

How Cannabis is Helping with Bladder Cancer from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


Bladder cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, with around 68,000 new cases in the United States each year. Although bladder cancer affects men more than women, it can occur at any age.


The prognosis for bladder cancer is fairly good, considering that 7 in 10 cases are diagnosed early, when it’s still treatable. This is probably due to the fact that the symptoms of bladder cancer are obvious compared to other forms; with hematuria (blood in the urine) being a common symptom as well as painful urination and pelvic pain. In early stage bladder cancer, surgery may be used to remove cancerous tissue. Otherwise, patients may need to undergo other traditional forms of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy. In some cases, bladder cancer patients may have the option of reconstruction, or the development of a new urine exit path if the bladder has been removed.


However, bladder cancer may recur at any time. People who have survived bladder cancer need to go for follow ups often for years despite having successful treatment.


cannabis bud

How Cannabis Can Help


Studies show that cannabis use can both prevent AND treat bladder cancer. According to a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute, cancer smokers are 45% less likely to develop bladder cancer despite smoking tobacco being one of the top risk factors for this condition. The study, which looked at 84,170 participants in the California Men’s Health Study, intended to analyze the association between cannabis use and bladder cancer over the course of 16 years. The researchers wrote, “cannabis and cannabinoids may have benefits in treating the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of cancer therapies.” On the other hand, the tobacco smokers in the group had a higher incidence of bladder cancer.


While the studies on cannabis and bladder cancer are far and few in between, the anecdotal evidence is astounding to say the least. Take the case of Trevor Smith, a UK resident, who was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2012. Trevor was told he had less than 2 years to live, and his only option was extreme surgery.


Trevor, then 54, and his wife Carol, 55, were inspired after watching a film called Run From The Cure, where they learned about cannabis. They took their chances and turned to alternative therapy; Trevor started taking Essiac tea and began looking for a source of cannabis. They got a hold of a legal cannabis oil manufacturer in the USA, through which he was able to obtain cannabis oil. Although cannabis is illegal in the UK and he risked the law, Trevor said,”It wasn’t a case of I had no respect for the law, I was fighting to save my life. At that point, I would have risked everything to beat the cancer.”


Even though Trevor never took cannabis in his life, he tried it out for 10 weeks. Carol wrote a book documenting her husband’s healing and she wrote, “Initially my husband reacted very badly to the cannabis oil, we had both never used any recreational drugs, so we weren’t aware of the effects it had.” The oil caused Trevor to be drowsy and often unresponsive, but after 10 weeks the tests revealed that the tumor in his bladder was still there but somehow, the cancer didn’t spread to his other organs. Doctors were then able to remove the cancer from his bladder.



Then there’s the case of Jack Kungel, whose body was severely damaged after taking pharmaceutical drugs for over 10 years for work-related accidents. Jack was diagnosed with bladder cancer on top of pharmaceutical toxicity. He underwent his first surgery in February 2011 where doctors removed a large tumor and bleeding lesions from the bladder walls. The doctors told him that his bladder needed to be removed, and the cancer affected his prostate although the surgery wasn’t enough. Doctors told Jack that his cancer was terminal, and that the only option was to remove his entire bladder – and he refused! Jack started researching, learning about cannabis and cancer. He then started taking cannabis aggressively in order to give his body as much of the cannabinoids as possible: he made oil, butter, ate it, cooked with it, and vaporized it. While it took almost a year, Jack was eventually declared cancer free at the beginning of 2012.


But that wasn’t the end of Jack’s story. He stopped his cannabis treatments after being declared cancer-free, but then his cancer came back although it stayed in the same place without spreading to other tissue. He found out that his PH levels tested at 3.5 which he calls the “dead zone”, since it’s in this kind of extremely acidic environment where cancer thrives. He took matters to his own hands again and opted for natural methods such as the Baking Soda and Molasses Cancer Protocol, and eliminated sugar completely from his diet. Miraculously, after 7 months, Jack’s doctors were shocked at what they found – he was cancer-free again, for the second time.



Do you know someone who used cannabis for bladder cancer? Share your experience with us in the comments below!









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