medical benefits marijuana seeds
medical benefits marijuana seeds

Do Marijuana Seeds have Medical Benefits?

Do cannabis seeds themselves have any medical benefits?

Posted by:
Lemon Knowles on Thursday Sep 26, 2019

Do Marijuana Seeds have Medical Benefits?

marijuana seeds medical benefits

The marijuana plant is like the most underrated plant ever. Because of the negative connotation to the plant, many of the good properties it renders were also kept from us. There is not a part of the plant that can´t be used. From the root to the flowers, everything contributes to benefit our health. The medicinal benefits of cannabis seeds should not be underestimated either. Marijuana and hemp seeds come from the same family, but marijuana seeds have a slight level of THC where hemp seeds don´t. The level of THC is so low though, it doesn’t really have any influence and surely can’t make you high.

Our ancestors for centuries understood the contribution it provides for the benefit of our health. Thankfully we have woken up too.


What are Marijuana Seeds and what Medicinal Properties Does It Have?

 All cannabis seeds have excellent properties and are apt for medicinal use. It is important to note that the seeds by itself do not have any cannabinoids. Their power lies in the nutritional value it contains. Medicinal marijuana seeds are feminized. Feminized seeds can produce plants nearly equal to the original plant. With creating medicinal seeds, the aim is to focus on sprouting plants for specific medical issues like muscle tension, relieving pain, blood circulation, nausea, sleeping problems, loss of appetite, and hormonal problems.  


 The Medical Benefits of Marijuana Seeds 

All cannabis strains have medicinal value. The benefits of marijuana seeds are countless. This makes it possible for people to select the seeds corresponding to their specific needs.  The seeds are full of healthy fats and include some minerals. Marijuana seeds are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. They also are rich in A, D, E and B vitamins. Cannabis seeds are filled with amino acids and fatty acids. It is one of the most nutritious foods on earth.

The reason why cannabis seeds are so healthy is that the fatty acids in the seeds are not naturally synthesized by us. 

Even though marijuana seeds do not have therapeutic cannabinoids, it makes up for it with nutritional benefits and general health. Because marijuana seeds offer so much, it is best to look at some of the benefits it provides:


Nutritional Value

Cannabis seeds are rich in a marvel of nutritional benefits. It contains:


Amino acids- It has 20 different varieties of amino acids. All nine of the essential amino acids are there. Some essential amino acids cannot naturally be produced by the body. Cannabis seeds can do that as it can supplement them.


Protein- Marijuana seeds are a complete source of protein. There are about 9.46 grams in every 30 grams of cannabis seed. Protein is specifically helpful for the immune system.


Vitamins and Minerals – It contains high levels of vitamin E and also B vitamins. It also has trace minerals like zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. The B vitamins include riboflavin, niacin, B6, thiamin, and folate.



Most of the fiber of cannabis seeds are found in the outer shell. It is advisable to buy fully shelled seeds if possible. Even without the shell, it still has a great amount of fiber. It helps with weight management and appetite reduction. It stabilizes blood sugar and promotes a healthy gut.


Balanced Ratio – the balanced ratio of 3:6 of Omega fatty acids are perfect for homeostasis


What are the Benefits of Marijuana Seeds?


Fights against depression, anxiety, and insomnia

In helping the body and muscles to relax, the seeds help with muscle spasms and mobility problems. It also has an effect on the nervous system and help the reduce the frequency of epileptic fits.


Improves Cardiovascular diseases

The medical world widely believes that omega-3 fatty acids do wonders for the heart. It lowers the risk of arrhythmias and coronary diseases. One of the amino acids, arginine helps to increase blood flow in the body and therefore maintain healthy blood pressure. Arginine converts to Nitric oxide that helps to relax muscles and dilate blood vessels. This is specifically helpful in speeding up recovery and preventing blood clots from forming.


Supports the Digestive System

The soluble and insoluble fiber in whole marijuana seeds is very good for the digestive system. Soluble fiber dissolves slowly and helps to combat the sensation of hunger. Insoluble fiber can’t dissolve and renders bulk to stool. Together it moves food easily through the digestive tract to be eliminated with ease.


Reduce Inflammation

The omega-3 fatty acids and the healthy ratio of the omega- 3 and 5 fatty acids help reducing inflammation. Cannabis seeds are also rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that also has anti-inflammatory properties.



The health benefits of Marijuana Seeds need no introduction. It is beneficiary for all ages and if the quality of life is the desired quest, marijuana seeds should form part of your diet.








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