CBD Liver Damage
CBD Liver Damage

Is CBD Harmful to Your Liver? (The FDA Fumbles Another Cannabis-Based Study)

The FDA claims CBD may harm your liver but they don't give any evidence to support that theory.

Posted by:
HighChi on Tuesday Dec 3, 2019

Is CBD Harmful to Your Liver?

cbd liver damage fda

The FDA claims that CBD is harmful to the liver. What they don´t say is how they came to that conclusion. But before we all go into panic mode, let us dissect their conclusions and listen to what experts have to say about the matter.

First of all, mice were the guineapigs the researches used in the study. Also, CBD is not regulated by the FDA yet, and they have been keeping their eyes on companies selling CBD products where health benefits are claimed.


Do we have to worry?

Even though the market where CBD products are sold have been exploded over the last years, there is still a lack of studies. This makes it easy for the FDA to make claims that a product is not safe, because, in their opinion, there is not enough science to back the claims. In the study on mice, they found that too much CBD caused liver damage. The emphasis is on “too much”.


What does the study conclude?

Their mainframe was that that are not enough toxicological studies to back the safety of CBD. To validate their theory, they let the University of Arkansas run a study on a group of 8-week old mice. The study was called:” Hepatotoxicity of a Cannabidiol-rich Cannabis Extract in the Mouse Model.” The researchers developed their own CBD extract and compared it against the findings of a test on Epidiolex clinical trials. They gave equivalent dosages to the mice, and their analysis showed residual hexane that is a known hepatotoxin. Hexane is a chemical made from crude oil to extract oils from seeds and vegetables, often used in laboratories.

The study claims that CBD could be just as harmful to the liver as alcohol or something like Tylenol, which is acetaminophen. Both these two substances have a daily recommended dosage because it can be harmful to the liver. CBD, on the other hand, is not toxic and is not abusive to the liver. The maximum dosage of CBD should not be more than 20 mg per day or 9mg/lb.

The lab researchers concluded their results by giving the maximum dose in one day to the mice. They repeated the test by tripling the maximum dose and then again by increasing it ten times all in the same day. The damaging effects only occurred when the maximum dosage was three-times, and ten-times increased. In a control group of mice, the maximum dosage was given over ten days, and no damaging effects were reported. Those mice exposed to higher than safe levels of CBD showed severe signs of liver damage and the lab claimed that CBD killed them. But in reality, they were put down by the lab researches as they became very lethargic. No harmful results were reported when the recommended dosage was not exceeded.


What should we Conclude?

Even though the headlines look as if we all have to take special care now with regards to CBD intake, we should not worry that much. There is no potential danger, and the amount of CBD given to the mice is far higher that humans would take. Us humans should note though, that taking high dosages of anything would be damaging to our system. Taking high dosages of CBD does not necessarily make it work better; in fact, it could cause damage. That would work the same for Tylenol, alcohol, or whatever substance get abused.

To translate results from studies done on animals has to be taken with caution too. Animals and humans are very different. We might share the same genes as mice, but physiologically we are very different. The study should not be taken out of proportion. The mice were given the same maximum dose of the drug Epidiolex used for seizures. This means that you should take 1,300 mg of CBD daily if you weigh 150 pounds.


CBD does interact with other drugs

CBD indeed does interact with other drugs in the liver. One way to avoid negative interaction is to take CBD in different times than other medication to minimize negative results. CBD has many therapeutical benefits and regulates 50 genes. The whole purpose of CBD is to regulate and bring homeostasis.

The patient should always bear in mind that the dosage is derived from personal experience. It is also very important to do research or ask an expert if you are in doubt by how much and when you can take it.


Final Thoughts

When researchers publish their findings on something, it is important to verify the results. Often, there are alternative motives for the research and bias conclusions are posted. In the case with the FDA, a lot has to do with the fact that they are not regulating CBD yet. The idea is to protect the consumer against harmful effects, and because it is not regulated yet, it is hard to back the nutritional information provided by the manufacturers of CBD. It doesn´t mean though, that conclusions should be made on onesided lab results.








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