So long
So long

Cannabis 1 vs. Chris Christie 0 - The Weed Devil Bows Out

Goodbye Mr. Christie, Let Me Smoke A Bowl To You

Posted by:
Oaktree on Thursday Feb 11, 2016

As some of you who follow politics may know, or if you read our article "Who To Vote For In 2016", Bernie Sanders is by far the most cannabis friendly candidate on the ballot this Fall.  He may want to raise our taxes by 200% and give everyone free medical care and college, but he is also a big proponent of making marijuana legal at the Federal level.  He already has a bill in Congress to de-classify the drug from a class 1 (lumped along with heroin) to a class 2 drug.  This will allow for interstate commerce and much more medical research to be done on the CBD and THC of strains.

The big news, is that the most anti-marijuana candidate, Chris Christie, the governor from NJ, has dropped out of the race.  This is great news for all the pro-legal marijuana base as he was by far the worst candidate for legalization.  He was on record as saying he would actually roll back state laws and go after dispensaries and medical card holders if he became president.

Let the people speak, let the people smoke, and a kind farewell to you, Mr. Christie. 

Listen to the people, let the herb grow!

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