Uncle Spliffy Sports Cannabis www.UncleSpliffy.com
Uncle Spliffy Sports Cannabis

NBA All-Star Cliff Robinson Now Dribbles Cannabis To Baskets Everywhere

NBA Player Takes on Cannabis

Posted by:
BostonBakedPete on Thursday Feb 25, 2016

NBA All-Star Cliff Robinson will now dribbling cannabis to thousands of baskets and child-proof carry out packaging!  The former NBA athlete, now referred to as Uncle Spliffy is taking on the world of Cannabis with intentions of producing Cannabis to be used in various treatments and delivery systems.  Although Uncle Spliffy was cited on numerous occasions for being in possession on marijuana, he never admitted to taking a liking to it.  But since his retirement, he now openly admits to his use and hopes leagues such as the NBA "reevaluate their stances" on cannabis.   

“Uncle Spliffy® is the premier, first to market, Sports Cannabis™ brand in the world! We are innovating "marijuana designed for athletes," also known as Sports Cannabis™, which will become the third largest MARKET in the cannabis space behind Recreational and Medical Marijuana. Former NBA All-Star Cliff Robinson is now being recognized around the world as "the face of Sports Cannabis™" and is seen as a brilliant Ambassador and Market Maker for athletically oriented, designer marijuana products. Uncle Spliffy® — Created by Athletes, for Athletes!”  www.UncleSpliffy.com

Come on now, how could anyone be that tall and nimble without a little help?  There is no chance that we could probably change up the language in some of Uncle Spliff’s recent interviews where he “thinks” he was an advocate for cannabis, to the most likely fact that he was an outright and agreeably so, consistent toker!  Especially considering the newly found medical benefits!  Cannabis is no longer just for the faint of heart or the weekend warrior or the hippies, but it's for everyone including athletes so they too can “keep their game up”! Thank you Uncle Spliff and Uncle Spliff Jr - formerlly Earl!  

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