Teacher Pot News News Jax 4
Teacher Pot News

Teacher Lets Kids Smoke Pot In Class...And No Fights Broke Out

Maybe we can learn to stop classroom brawls after all...

Posted by:
Oaktree on Friday Mar 25, 2016

This story originally appeared on the Jacksonville News 4 site and can be read by clicking here.

Talk about high school: A shop teacher is facing charges after allowing students to smoke marijuana in class, police said.

Domonic Leuzzi, 23, taught at a high school for academically and behaviorally challenged students in Glen Allen, Virginia, according to WRIC-TV.

A Henrico County school district spokesman said Leuzzi is no longer employed there, according to The Associated Press.

Police said they were notified by school officials after students reported the incident, WRIC-TV said.

Leuzzi faces three charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The headline should continue on and say, "And No One Beat Each Other Up".

Poor Dom, 23 years old, first job out of college, he takes the job at the school for the academically and behaviorally challenged, and boom, he lets a few kids smoke some pot in class.

I can imagine Dom was having a pretty bad day, heck, even school year as we are half way through it, and just threw up his hands on a Friday and said, "F#$%$ It, Go ahead! I give up...".

Remember what Dom's day probably looks like Monday through Friday.

What did you think?

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