CBD Oil for Pain Management: Uses, Effects, Advantages?

CBD Oil for Pain Management: Uses, Effects, Advantages?

Can CBD Oil Help With Pain Management?

Posted by:
christalcann on Monday Oct 29, 2018

CBD Oil for Pain Management: Uses, Effects, Advantages?

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, there are currently over 26 million Americans between the ages of 20 - 64 who suffer from frequent back pain. As just about anyone who has ever experienced chronic pain problems - like a slipped disc, sciatica, or spinal stenosis, among other conditions - can tell you, persistent pain is by far one of the most difficult symptoms to deal with.


This is where cannabidiol (CBD) comes in. Some people are using CBD oil to treat chronic pain because it doesn’t give you that floaty feeling of being high, and because it has some very beneficial uplifting properties. Various studies have shown that CBD oil has the potential to reduce inflammation, pain, and overall discomfort that is connected to a variety of health conditions.


Cannabidiol is one of over 120 compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is possibly the most infamous cannabinoid, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects, which means that it won’t make you high.


As the United States struggles with the opioid epidemic and battles to treat the over 50 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain, CBD oil has emerged as somewhat of a saving grace. A non-addictive solution for the treatment of pain that people can ingest as a pill, smoke through a vape, or apply as a topical oil, CBD oil could just be the biggest game changer.  


Using CBD Oil


You can consume CBD oil in a number of different ways, including sublingually, as edibles, topically, vape form, and in soft gel capsules. The pain-relieving and relaxation effects can last for hours at a time.


At the start of your CBD oil journey, you should always start with a lower dose. If you are not getting the desired effects and it doesn’t seem like it’s doing enough for your body, then you can gradually increase the dosage in small increments until you find what works.


Here are some of the most common uses when it comes to the best CBD oil for pain:


Arthritis pain


Commonly felt in the feet, hands, and knees, the pain associated with arthritis comes from inflamed joints. CBD is thought to reduce this inflammation by the formation of cytokine in the body. As a result, stiffness and swelling are reduced and the sufferer feels less pain.


Multiple Sclerosis


In some cases, the muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis can either be subdued or eliminated through the use of CBD oil. Ultimately, CBD oil is thought to reduce the level of spasticity that a person feels.


Chronic pain


Several studies have found that CBD has the potential to reduce inflammation and pain. CBD oil is thought to combat the pain through its analgesic properties which are basically all natural painkillers.


The effects of CBD oil for pain management


The human body has a specialized system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for regulating a variety of functions including appetite, sleep, immune system responses, and of course, pain. The body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to the cannabinoid receptors found in the nervous system.


Studies have found that CBD has the potential to reduce chronic pain by impacting the endocannabinoid receptor activity, which helps to reduce inflammation by interacting with neurotransmitters. While it’s not completely understood how CBD oil modulates pain, doctors believe that it inhibits pain impulses from reaching the brain.


Ultimately, researchers believe that CBD interacts with receptors in the brain and the immune system. Receptors are small proteins that attach to your cells and receive chemical signals from different stimuli and help the cells to respond. This creates pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects which help with pain management.


Like any medication, there’re a few side effects associated with CBD oil. However, these are minor, especially when compared to the adverse effects of prescription medication. The most common include appetite changes, tiredness, weight changes, and diarrhea.


Another thing to consider is that there may be some negative effects when CBD oil is used together with other medications like hormone therapies. It’s important to consult with your doctor before using CBD oil if you are already on other medication.


The advantages of using CBD oil


One of the biggest advantages of CBD oil is that it doesn’t appear to have any tolerance effects. Unlike plenty of other painkillers for which patients develop a tolerance for and sometimes even become addicted to, CBD oil remains consistent. This means that you don’t have to keep increasing the dosage to gain the desired effects. This makes it ideal for people who may need to remain on pain medication for an indefinite period of time.


Another major advantage of CBD oil is that it’s 100% natural. CBD oil can be used to treat many different conditions and is thus may different things to many different people. You can incorporate CBD oil into your daily health regime to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How CBD Oil for Pain Management is Effective and Healthier Than Current Medications from CannabisNet on Vimeo.








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