High CBD strains
High CBD strains

Got CBD? - The Top 5 Most Popular CBD Strains of This Year

Want a heavy does of CBD without giving up your THC, here are some strains for you!

Posted by:
HighChi on Wednesday May 5, 2021

Top 5 Most Popular CBD Strains Of 2021

high cbd strains

After the rough year we had in 2020, you'd be eager to discover the best CBD strains to expressly give you that much-needed relief.

The strains in this list have been carefully selected and researched. They can be used for personal and medicinal purposes. They're sure to induce that non-intoxicating effect that you need to carry out your daily activities.

But, before we explore these 5 wonder CBD strains, let's cover the basics.

What is Cannabidiol?

CBD is the second most popular cannabinoid compound. It is common for its relaxing results.

CBD is now a major constituent of several cannabis-related products in the market, most especially cannabis-based medicines.

These CBD strains and products can be taken orally or with a vaporizer. They can also be infused in aromatherapy oils and edibles to make the consumption of CDB safer and satisfying.

Brief Description of High CBD Strains

High CBD strains are varieties of cannabis assumed to have a higher CBD content than THC. The ratio may be as high as 10:1, 5:1, 2:0, or more.

These strains produce sedative highs, with very no intoxicating effects. There are also CBD strains with 2:1, 1:1 ratios, here little intoxicating effects are felt.

Why CBD Strains?

Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid that doesn't induce a psychoactive effect in its user. It has therapeutic advantages. High CBD strain has a lot of medicinal benefits that haven't been fully discovered.

When ingested in other strains of weed, CBD tries to reduce or counteract the effects of THC in the body.

With a CBD strain, you can be sure of zero adverse effects and several advantages of using the drug.

Some of the benefits of using CBD include:

  • Releases tension

  • Prevents seizure episodes in children

  • Alleviates  chronic pains and aches in the body

  • Treats insomnia

  • Relieves stress

  • Treats mental disorders like anxiety and PTSD

The entourage effects are also improved by the abundant terpenes in CBD trains and products. There are several medicinal benefits yet to be discovered, albeit with more research we'll get to know them.

5 Most Popular CBD Strains

To come up with this list, the factors considered includes;

  • the amount of cannabinoids present,

  • effects, flavor, aroma, and appearance,

  • cultivation and yield

#1—Bubba Kush

This strain is easy to grow and it has an appealing and stunning physical appearance. Bubba Kush is a CBD that is well renowned globally for its excellent quality, as well as yield quantity.

The plant is well-suited to varying environments. It is a mid-sized cannabis plant with dark-hued leaves. There is an abundance of trichomes on the plant. However, the plant has a percentage content of 8% THC and 10% CBD— With a CBD to THC ratio of 1:1.

Hence, a reduced potency but high relaxation effect.

The aroma and flavor of bubba kush are earth and fruity, strong and sweet. Quite distinct!

If you're having difficulties sleeping, this CBD strain is the perfect variety to use. It is also an anti-inflammatory strain.


This is more like the "Tonic of Sedation". This CBD strain has a CBD to THC ratio that ranges from 1:1 to 5:2 ratio. Growers, as well as users, appreciate the unique genetics of this strain. In users, it induces the rapid-acting sedative effect that is a bit intense. It allows for a restful evening after a day of chaos.

For growers, it is a mid-sized plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors. An average yield is guaranteed so far it is harvested at its flowering stage.

Cannatonic is popular for being one of the best medicinal CBD strains available. Its aroma has earthy and citrus-like notes. Its flavor leaves a sweet and sour note on the tongue as it is being smoked.


This is a classic cross between Harlequin and Sour tsunami—both are very powerful CBD strains. The CBD to THC ratio of this variety can be as high as 20:1.

The downside is that it can be very tough to locate. But the impressive mood-lifting effects it induces are worth the stress. It can be used by people suffering from muscle spasms, mental disorders, insomnia, and inflammation.

#4—Sour Space Candy

With a CBD percentage of over 20%, this CBD strain has a superior calming effect. It is one of the most sought-after cannabis plants. It is often classified as a hemp flower in dispensaries where it's sold. This strain can be used at any point of the day or night. It depends on how well it works for you whenever you choose to use it.

Sour space candy has dense buds with shades of green and violet coloration.

Growers prefer this plant because it yields a very high harvest and it is easy to cultivate.

Just a few puffs of this strain induce a lightheaded effect that doesn't last long but is enough to ease the mind and alleviate pains in the body.

#5—Skywalker OG Strain

The Skywalker OG can have a CBD percentage as high as 26% or more. It is most often used at night because it has relaxing effects that make the user sleep soundly.

It is one of the fastest-growing CBD strains, taking only 8-9 weeks to reach its flowering stage. They are short and dense plants with orange featured flowers.

All the plants in this strain have many medicinal benefits, this can be attributed to their high CBD content. It is used to treat patients with chronic pains, heightened depression, and anxiety, as well as other mental disorders.

Skywalker OG has a discernible spicy flavor with a diesel-like aroma with sweet/candylike undertones.

That's A Wrap…

CBD strains, like it's euphoric counterparts—THC strains— should also be used in the right quantities. For beginners, it is advisable that you start with a strain that has a low amount of CBD.

This way you won't be overwhelmed by its effects…

Visit local dispensaries near you to purchase any of the CBD strains listed above for recreational and therapeutic medicines.

Without a doubt, better CBD strains with higher CBD content will be developed soon enough. Can't wait!







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