God and Cannabis
God and Cannabis

How Cannabis Helped Me Find God

Getting Closer To God Was Just One Benefit

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Thursday Dec 15, 2016

Finding My God While Using Cannabis


How Cannabis Helped Me Get Closer God from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


There was a time when I thought I was right. Nowadays I know better. My ideas, my paradigms are in a constant state of evolution. I have learned that to “believe you know something” instantly motivates your brain to ‘look for supporting arguments’ and limits your critical thinking abilities.


When you develop a paradigm, your brain will reinforce the paradigm to justify the paradigm. Crazy huh? Before I started smoking pot, and for a while after I started, I used to be very argumentative. I would debate people on issues, on one hand because I’m a competitive bastard that likes to win, and on the other side because I liked intellectual “jousts”.


My friends and I would debate long into the night and perhaps, some people would walk away pissed, others illuminated and others just plain bored.


However, on many ideas…I was stubborn. “This is how it is!” I would exclaim with prideful intentions. “I know this is true” I would reaffirm my belief system.


Nowadays I understand that I’m nothing more than a flaming idiot attempting to explain the inexplicable. What I know is just a version of the truth, regardless whether I just learned about it yesterday or studied it for 20 years. No matter how much ‘knowledge’ I accumulate, I will never truly know anything.


The same goes for everyone else. All those “experts” and “masters of their craft” have managed to hone in a certain skillset and knowledge base, however they too are still guessing when it comes to the bigger questions in life.


Shit like Race, Religion, Sex and so forth…it’s all subjective. Some people believe that there is a “superior race”. But what the hell is race anyhow? Is race the pigmentation of one’s skin? Is it where you were born? Is it culture? Education?


People have all these opinions that they reinforce concerning these subjects that form their paradigms or “belief systems”. They seek out ‘like-minded- individuals to reinforce their beliefs and convince themselves that they are right. However, if someone is humble enough to realize that we can be wrong, and most of the times we are…we have the ability to rid ourselves of restrictive paradigms that hinder our ability to live life to our fullest potential.

cannabis and god

How Pot Helped Break my Paradigms


There was a time when I was kind-of religious. I say “sort of” because while I did go to church and do all those things that “church-goes” do, I was still drinking booze and playing in a “secular band”. However my main paradigm was still quite religious.


I wasn’t a bigot, but I did have my reservation to many ‘ideas’. The religious paradigm weighed down on my human nature because religion tends to demonize certain human characteristics. Things like “drug use”, “sex”, “other people’s ideas” would almost certainly provide a sense of “guilt” or fear of eternal damnation if I would ‘give into my earthly desires’.


Religion makes people attempt to live the divine while stuck in their meat shells, grasping for unattainable realities and if you fail to live up to your ‘spiritual ego’, you’d feel like a big bag of decaying dog shit because, “you’re a sinner’ and what not.


While I tried to live up to my “divine self”, I would always feel miserable. I would look at the people around me and see hypocrites and then I’d look at myself and see the same.


For about three years during my religious spree, I stopped smoking weed. However, after three years…good ol MJ called my name. I smoked, I took one of the best shits of my life and then realized...”Wait a minute…this isn’t bad!”


Cannabis began to break down the religious walls I constructed over the years. It make me question the official dogma being force fed to me. I started asking questions that shouldn’t be asked within the religious sphere.


Soon, I stopped seeing the need to go to church. “If God is everywhere, why the hell do I need to wake up on a Sunday, give my money to shouting preachers to ‘be with Him’?


finding god with marijuana

Eventually I started questioning my concepts of God. I realized that a book could never describe an Eternal being. That would be heresy in my books. To limit an infinite power to a subjective belief.


Nowadays my belief on God or the lack of God is irrelevant in my life. I have undergone a radical transformation in my paradigms and realized that attempting to explain infinite ideas is not only a waste of time…there is no right answer.


I used my religious paradigm as an example. Cannabis nudged me in the right direction. I think personally this is why it’s illegal on a global scale. It makes you question the status quo.


Governments, Religious institutions and other organizations that depend on paradigm to keep their people in check would not like to have a bunch of ‘questioning potheads’ asking those difficult questions. It would disrupt the entire mind control they have over the masses.


Cannabis nudged the door open, nowadays I use certain psychedelics maybe once or twice a year to push me even further. However, if it wasn’t for weed, I’d never be where I am today. Freer and happier than ever.


I am no longer dominated by my religious paradigms. I have entered into the realm of Chaos and understand that my reality is merely the subjective interpretation of my unique perspective on this maddening thing we call life.


Your paradigms are your only limitations. I believe cannabis is a tool that we can use to break down those walls and build a reality more closely aligned with our actual needs and desires. In the end, if perception if subjective…then everyone is wrong.



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cannabis and religion



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