President Biden too busy for weed
President Biden too busy for weed

President Biden is Too Busy to Legalize Cannabis with US Marijuana Sales at $31.7 Billion over the Past 27 Months?

VP Harris says President Biden is 'too busy' to worry about cannabis legalization, now?

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Sunday Apr 11, 2021

Biden Too Busy for Cannabis?

Joe Biden too busy for weed

Why Biden & Harris are Wrong about putting cannabis legalization on the backburner


When the Biden Administration took the White House – the headlines all clamored that it will be a “good time for cannabis”.


Stocks seemed to echo the sentiment.


Yet – since the administration took office, they fired staffers for admitting they smoked weed in the past – Kamala Harris rolled back her “pro pot stance” to align with the President’s – and now the entire “weed thing” has been put on the backburner.


“Honestly, right now, we’ve been focused on getting people food, helping them stay in their apartments or in their homes, getting kids back to school, getting shots into arms,” she said. “That has been all-consuming.”


However – does legalizing cannabis actually conflict with Covid relief? More importantly - how much “input” does the Biden Administration really need to have when it comes to legalization?


Congress has been mulling over cannabis regulations for years now – independent of the administration. It’s a bipartisan issue. There is relatively little to nothing that President Joe Biden needs to do with legislation other than sign it when the time comes.


And they can simply use a Robopen for that.


The only thing that Biden and his administration can do to assist with the entire legalization process is in fact very simple and requires virtually no effort.


They simply have to endorse the idea.


Legalizing Cannabis can help mitigate damages of Covid


We can all agree that the most affected by Covid-19 is the state of the global economy. Millions of people have lost their jobs or have been made redundant due to the pandemic.


One of the few industries who have actually been thriving during COVID is the cannabis industry. Legalization could serve as a vehicle to help kick start the economy, provide new jobs to the millions who have lost their employment and free up state resources to move things forward.


Of course – getting people medicine is important, but while the government is focusing on the “apparent health crises…”


The economic Clusterfuck that will follow is going to create a real problem.

When unemployment rises – so does crime and things generally become more dangerous. People tend to revert back to their basic survival instincts which is a “dog-eat-dog” way of living.


Legalizing cannabis could provide the release of pressure on the economy, giving people something else as their old ways of earning a living got murdered by Covid.


Cannabis can help keep people healthier & Indoors!


Not only are cannabis users skinnier on average than their non-smoking counterparts, they also tend to be more active & get sick less.


Furthermore, cannabis users can entertain themselves for hours with enough weed on hand meaning if the Biden Administration really wants to keep people indoors – they’d legalize home cultivation.


One would think that Biden Admin would jump on this opportunity – rather, they remain steadfast on their position.


Why are they resisting change so much?


At this point, I cannot speculate anymore. Perhaps Biden truly believes that people do not have the ability to decide for themselves what they can and cannot consume.


However – this would put him at odds with the rest of America. Hell, weed is more popular than Biden.


Perhaps, there are some money interests behind the president that do not want cannabis legalized yet and would much rather prefer him to push against the will of the people to maximize profits.


While we may never know for sure – the longer that they maintain their position against cannabis, the longer people are suffering the Casualties of War.


The Drug War that is.


America Keeps on Pushing


Despite all of the resistance, the fact is that cannabis legalization is happening right now. State by state – country by country, it’s going global.


Senators, Congress people and the likes have all said that “irrespective of Biden’s resistance” to legalization – they will continue to introduce bills that are aligned with the will of the people.


Covid has become a blanket excuse for politicians to dodge their responsibilities.


The Biden Administration are at odds with the rest of the world. They have flip-flopped on the subject matter that the people can now see that they are simply “more of the same”.


For some people, this is a relief from the Orange Menace that sat on the throne before Slippy Joe.

However, if you recall in 2019 – the whole world was in protest against “the same”.


The pandemic shut all that down – for now!


But what happens when the hunger sets in due to the loss of jobs? What happens when people are forced out of their homes and into the streets due to their inability to sustain their current lifestyles?


Will “The same” still be seen as the ‘timely relief from Trump” or will it reignite the Pre-Pandemic Dissonance that’s still lingering like a time-bomb in the collective minds of the masses.








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