guide to cbd edibles
guide to cbd edibles

The Ultimate Guide to CBD Edibles - Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and Costs

What are CBD edibles and how do you sort out all the options?

Posted by:
The Undercover Stoner on Thursday Mar 12, 2020

The CBD Edibles Guide

cbd edibles guide

Oh, edibles. We all owe them some of the longest and most potent highs we’ve experienced. Wait, hold on… We’re not going to talk about our beloved THC edibles, we’re going to talk about their cousins, CBD edibles! Silly me… 

CBD edibles are actually all the rage recently, and as part of the CBD hype, they’ve become some of the highest-selling CBD products on the market (don’t worry THC edibles, we still love you). You may wonder why this is, and you’ll most likely want to know if they’re truly worth the hype. Let’s dive into CBD edibles and take a closer look, shall we?

What Are CBD Edibles?

CBD edibles are, in short, edible forms of CBD. They can come in the form of chocolate and indulgent treats, all kinds of gummies, and even CBD food and drinks. They’re very easy to incorporate into your daily routine, and they’re quite nice.

Why would anyone ever take CBD edibles? Well, among many reasons, CBD edibles are very convenient, they’re premeasured with the recommended dosage, they’re portable and easy to take anywhere, and they’re usually super yummy.

Also, CBD edibles are great for people who are seeking a CBD product that they can take once or twice a day and not have to keep up with all day.  This is because, since the CBD has to go through your digestive system, it actually lasts a lot longer in your system than other CBD methods. However, it does take a bit longer to kick in.

CBD Edibles vs THC Edibles

CBD edibles are often confused with THC edibles (much like CBD is usually confused with THC in general). However, they’re worlds apart, and all they have in common is their origin: hemp and cannabis plants.

Most of us know that THC edibles cause a (sometimes incredibly potent) high. This is because THC makes you high, and whether it’s in an edible or a blunt, it’s arguably just as potent. However, CBD is different.

CBD edibles do not cause any of the psychoactive effects that THC edibles do because, well, CBD can’t get you high at all. It is processed by different receptors in our bodies and doesn’t come close to the area of the brain where THC is processed.

Which one is best? Well, they’re both just as nice. CBD edibles are perfect for when you want all the benefits and no high, and THC edibles are… wait, what were we talking about?! Oh yes... Great for getting all the benefits and the high too!

It all depends on what you’re looking for in an edible, whether you want to get high or not, and whether you prefer to simply get all the benefits and skip the drama. If you like THC edibles, you might want to give CBD edibles a try on a day that you might not want to get high, or prefer to go all-natural for a few days without missing out on the calming and relaxing effects of cannabis.


Are CBD Edibles Safe?

CBD is very safe, as long as they’re made by reputable brands and come in a sealed package. This goes for everything, but I’m simply saying that buying CBD from your next-door neighbour might not be the best choice for safety reasons.

The same goes for CBD edibles. They are incredibly safe 9.5/10 times, and all you need to do is make sure they’re made with care and are free from solvents and chemicals (which you can do by checking a product’s third-party lab results).

Of course, you should always treat them like any other yummy treat, and not take too many of them at a time. If you do take too many or they simply don’t sit well after you take them, there is nothing serious to worry about. However, they have been known to cause effects such as:


Stomach ache





Allergic reaction to other ingredients in the edibles (not CBD)

The bottom line on CBD edibles safety is that they’re totally safe, just treat them as you would any other treats, sweets, or snacks, and make sure you get them from well-established and trusted brands.


Advantages of Taking CBD Edibles

CBD edibles have their own set of advantages over other CBD products, and here they are:

CBD is known for its calming effects on the body and mind - Many people take CBD to help them calm down at stressful days of work or before going to sleep. It has shown very promising effects.

CBD could help you feel more focused - Some people who find concentrating or focusing on a task have taken CBD, and the CBD has helped them immensely to be able to focus on the task they need to get done.

CBD can help you deal with pain - Though not fully scientifically proven, CBD has been known to help people dealing with all sorts of pain and has been something people turn to when trying to deal with pain naturally.

They’re so easy to use - All you need to do is eat (or drink) your CBD dosage, and you’re literally done!

They’re pre-measured - Sometimes it’s a bit of a hassle to measure out grams of CBD crystals or drops of potent CBD oil. CBD edibles are the opposite of that! Every package tells you how many edibles to eat to achieve a certain dosage and it’s very convenient!

They’re so tasty! - We all love yummy snacks and treats, so when it comes time to take your daily CBD dosage, it can actually be quite exciting! There’s also something for everyone, from nutritious protein bars to rich chocolate, and I love that about edibles.

They’re very versatile - CBD edibles can present themselves in the form of the latest Carl Jr.’s cheeseburger or a fine wine, and they can even come in the form of a fancy cocktail!

With all this amazingness going on with CBD edibles, and CBD in general, the CBD market must be booming, right?


The CBD Market: Growth and Popularity in the US

When looking at the CBD market since just last year, the leaps and bounds are truly incredible. The overall growth of the CBD market has been on an impressive increase since it began, and experts can’t see an end in sight!

Just take a look at this fancy chart!

cbd consumer sales

Experts are calling this new part of the cannabis industry the new ‘gold rush’, and I can’t blame them. This is one of the fastest-growing markets in the US since cannabis was legalized, and it’s definitely a sight to see.

What makes CBD so coveted? Why is it suddenly so popular? Well, we all have different answers. Some suggest it’s due to the novelty and innovation of CBD, and that it is a passing trend (though it doesn’t look like one to me!).

Others suggest it’s because of the effect CBD has on people, and how it has impacted their lives in different ways (i.e. pain relief, emotional management, sleep regulation, etc). However,  it is a bit hard to claim this with certainty, since CBD still remains a bit of a mystery to many experts!

I can say with certainty that CBD has become so popular because it is versatile, it is easy to use and take with you anywhere, it doesn’t produce psychoactive effects, and it is simply great! Yeah, it doesn’t give you that high you may want, but that’s why THC edibles are here!








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