cannabis in a polarized world
cannabis in a polarized world

Why Cannabis is So Important in a Polarized World

Could cannabis end wars and bring level thinking to our big divides?

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

Why Cannabis is so Important in a Polarized World

cannabis in a polarized world

As the year draws to a close many people enjoy some “welcomed reflection” of the happenings of their year. They like to project their wants and desires to the following year, while learning from their past mistakes.

Obviously, not everyone behaves likes this – because selfish, self-absorbed assholes do exist. However, for those of us who are conscious about our own impact on the world around us, the end of the year typically promotes a time of planning and reflecting.

As we take a look at this past year and the current state of affairs, we can see that the world has become far more polarized than it has in a long time. Perhaps, it is only due to my current awareness of this time that I say this and in fact, it has always been as polarized – however, I’m confident that most of you would agree that the world is “more polarized” today than a decade ago.

There are many reasons for this and while it is important to understand the causes, it is also important to understand how these underlying causes can be remedied.

First, let’s take a closer look at why things are so polarized.


What is Driving us Apart?

There is not “one thing” that we can point to as the main source of discord. Rather, it is a culmination of an exponential fragmentation of belief structures mixed with the means of mass communication that inspired a sense of digital tribalism online.

In the late 90s and early-2000s, the Internet was mainly a place where people could post their websites, build their businesses and exchange ideas. Very similar to what it is today at its core. However, with the introduction of Social Media and platforms like Youtube, our ability to mass communicate increased exponentially.

What were once isolated ideas, suddenly were thrown into one large digital melting pot and roughly half of the world’s population began conversing simultaneously. Over time, people of particular ideologies found it easy to band together and support their narratives with other “like-minded people”.

Within these digital echo-chambers, a constant reinforcing of a “ideological structure” occurs within peer-driven networks, convincing the individual that “I am Right!”

However, due to the duality of this world, for every “Alt Right” there is an “Alt Left” doing the exact same thing in opposite. Thus, the echo chambers serves to strengthen the belief within the individual, yet never adequately prepares the individual to deal with “counter beliefs”.

Instead of engaging with an individual and debating ideas like civilized people – newer generations, those entrenched so deeply in their own belief systems, try to silence all opposing views quickly, violently and with fierce deliverance.

This in turn creates a deafening shouting match on digital plains which trickles out into “The Real World”. However, IRL people tend to be far more conservative with public display of their rage – despite the vocal minority’s presence on digital media.

Deep down, beneath the insipid ideologically charged arguments, these opposing forces are truly arguing for the same thing.

Both Left and Right are angry at the same things – they simply conclude on an ideological basis. Irrespective of your political leaning – people are tired of the “same ol’ same ol’”. Rich billionaires playing god on earth enslaving us with debt and murdering the masses with their war machines and manufactured famine.

Yet we channel our rage towards liberals or conservatives, blacks or whites, men or women, this religion vs that religion.

As we continue our lives within this binary, dualistic challenge – we are unable to see that many of our problems are the same.

However, within our echo chambers – we will never be able to see that the object of our hate is the same as that of our enemies. We are not at odds with each other, but rather those who believe to be puppeteers to our destinies and masters of our lives.

While there are many of us who can “see the strings” that hold up the illusion of our world, the vast majority of this planet remains blind to the blatant injustices of the ruling elite. It is thus, why cannabis and other mind-expanding drugs become an important element within the evolution of the human.


Why Cannabis can help break the spell

One of the key factors that the ruling elite utilizes to their advantage is our “deep intrinsic need to be ruled”. On the surface, we all would like to believe that we are these “Free thinking Individuals” that make up our own rules to life and are not a slave to our paradigm.

We accept (FILL IN THE BLANK) and therefore we are “illuminated”. We are our best selves! Our Belief system is the right belief system – and everyone else? Well – Unless, they agree with me…THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!

Rather, we fail to see that the belief system that we are engaging in currently, benefits the ruling elite and is not by our own design. The “Church”, or the “Psychic Wing” of the government, is designed to enslave you through belief.

Of course, whatever religion will tell you that they are here to “liberate you”, and it is true to a certain degree. Whenever you “renounce” a particular ideology or religion, and embrace a new one – YOU FEEL LIBERATED!

You broke a paradigm and now, for the first time in a long time…you have some freedom within your thinking. This new paradigm is exciting; it makes you feel good…until it becomes your new prison.

The major religions of the world, the monotheistic transcendentalist model, aims to create a passive believer that equates the “authority of the government” with the “authority of God”. It’s a genius method of mass mind-control that allows them to continue to rape and pillage our individual freedoms, for the sake of their personal benefit.

Cannabis, and other psychedelic drugs – allow for the spell of ideology to break. It gives you a slight perceptual alteration, which in turn allows you to “think outside of your paradigm”. Even if the effect is short lived – prolonged exposure eventually begins to form new neuro-networks, altering your behavior and ultimately establishing a new belief system.

While Cannabis does have a slight effect on perception, it doesn’t have the power to induce a mass shift in conscious evolution by itself. It is absolutely critical that the individual willfully engages with exercises that challenge their belief systems – in order to evolve beyond their own mental prisons.

If we do not embrace a higher “Quantum State” of existence, the world will continue to polarize within the individual echo chambers – and eventually will result in a violent encounter. This will inevitably destroy “The way things are” forever and will either replace the current system with a “fairer approach to everything [ideal situation]” or a “totalitarian regime [worst case]”. It is very difficult to calculate which way the pendulum will swing, however, it is a chance best avoided.

As a result, to these rising tensions – cannabis and other psychedelic plants are getting legalized. Acting in a way as a “spiritual revival” from a bio-chemical perspective. This will act as an initial “jolt” to the next evolution in the mass consciousness of the planet, however it is absolutely vital that we push forward the momentum with a new, “hyper-adaptable” paradigm that can scale to the exponential growth and development occurring simultaneously across a multitude of fields. Our current models of thinking, government, spirituality, and philosophy are unable to keep up with our internal and external evolution.

Only by embracing a “higher form of thinking” will we be able to once more find a sense of order within the chaos of our existence. I believe that cannabis will help with this transition.








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