Emotional regulation refers to an individual’s ability to manage to various emotional stimuli in an appropriate manner.
When one is able to regulate their emotions, it means that they are able to withhold intense and extreme emotions, even when the situation normally calls for it. As a result, they are able to express their emotions in a proper way; it is controlled but not suppressed, it’s mindful and aware. Effective emotional regulation has been linked to emotional maturity, better relationships, and an improvement in overall well-being.
However, using certain drugs as well as alcohol have proven to negatively impact one’s ability to regulate their emotions. This is because drugs engage with the neurotransmitters in the brain, including those responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are necessary for healthy emotional regulation. When we consume central nervous system depressants such as alcohol, as well as stimulants in drugs, these severely impede our serotonin levels which can cause depression and other mental health issues. In addition, drugs have been found to affect emotional dysregulation and dependence.
But not cannabis.
According to the results of a clinical study conducted by researchers at the Oregon State University and Washington State University, inhaling weed containing over 20% THC was not found to have any impact on emotional regulation.
For the study, investigators analyzed the effects of weed smoking on 12 adults; all the participants already had experience smoking weed in the past and even used their own cannabis supply. The researchers then analyzed the mood and emotional regulation capabilities of the participants during times of sobriety as well as when they were stoned from weed. Surprisingly, they found that the subjects’ performance didn’t differ when made to undergo several tasks after smoking weed.
“There was no evidence that acute high-potency cannabis use affected participants’ implicit or explicit emotional regulation,” they said. The researchers also noted that the participants acknowledged there was an improvement in their mood and anxiety reduction after using weed.
“The current pilot study assessed whether being under the influence of high-potency cannabis flower affects emotion regulation among a sample of young adults who use cannabis regularly,” they concluded. “While participants reported more positive mood and decreases in anxiety while intoxicated, there was no evidence to suggest that intoxication from high-potency cannabis flower affected emotion regulation,” the researchers wrote.
How Else Can Cannabis Benefit Emotional Health?
Thousands of people rely on cannabis for its benefits on their emotional and mental well-being. In fact, most cannabis consumers have a positive association with cannabis and emotions, since it can effectively help them reduce encounters of negative emotions in general. For example, instead of ruminating in stress and worry, people can medicate with weed at the end of the day. This not only aids in relaxation, but also offers a natural, safe outlet for coping with the stresses of everyday life.
In the same vein, this is also why more individuals, particularly those in high-stress positions such as parents, CEO’s, and entrepreneurs, have made microdosing or getting high a part of their daily life. No longer is alcohol seen as the only way to cope: weed is in, and it’s a much healthier way of dealing with life.
While this may be something that science can’t explain just yet, cannabis does have the unique ability to slow down one’s racing thoughts and the endless mental chatter, while helping make it easier to focus on the present. For this reason and more, weed has already been widely integrated into many wellness retreats in legal cities. Weed, mindfulness, and yoga simply go together so well, enhancing the peaceful effects of one another. Cannabis consumers can also enjoy a great deal of relaxing activities with a heightened sense of enjoyment, effectively helping one forget about their negative emotions such as anger, stress, and frustration.
So the next time you’re feeling extremely irritable or pissed off, why not pop a gummy or have a toke, and spend some time outside. You’ll see how difficult it can be to stay mad.
What You Take Matters
For those who want to use cannabis to improve their emotional regulation, what you take – and how much of it – matters just as much too.
That’s why there are many more studies suggesting that low-dose THC is best especially for anxiety and stress. On the other hand, high doses of THC can be detrimental for your mental and emotional well-being.
According to a 2017 study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago: “We found that THC at low doses reduced stress, while higher doses had the opposite effect, underscoring the importance of dose when it comes to THC and its effects,” they said. The same is also true for psychedelics, which can partly explain the popularity of microdosing psychedelics. Meanwhile, anything that can you too high can in fact, cause intense anxiety and stress.
It can feel almost impossible to avoid stressful situations that can cause you to feel out of whack, emotionally. In fact, stress is just a normal part of life. But losing your temper, ruminating in negative emotions for hours, and being so upset that it affects other aspects of your life, is not normal.
That said, there are a variety of ways you can deal with stress and the negative emotions it brings. Cannabis can be a key ingredient for helping you restore balance in your emotions as well as mental health.