cannabis with caffeine
cannabis with caffeine

Cannabis and Caffeine - Why Your Brain Loves Them Together

Why does coffee and weed go so well together in a wake and bake?

Posted by:
Joseph Billions on Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

Cannabis and Caffeine: A Detailed Analysis

cannabis and caffeine

Cannabis combination with other substances is one of the exciting ways via which consumers elevate the level of pleasure derived from consuming the wonderful plant. Users of cannabis combine it with a variety of substances, and unique among these substances is caffeine. The relationship between caffeine and cannabis is a very intriguing and interesting one. Each substance on its own is so unique and special that from the top of your head, without prior experience with the combination or having the slightest idea of the science involved, you can predict that the combination of these two substances will blow the mind.

The mindblowing effects derived from the combination of cannabis and caffeine have been known and enjoyed by a lot of people for over a hundred years. As a matter of fact, in Europe the term 'coffee shop' is synonymous with a cannabis shop, testifying to the bond between the two substances. Although the relationship between caffeine and cannabis is as clear as daybreak, until recently not much scientific work has been conducted to validate this and show exactly how these two do what they do. But over the past couple of years, thanks to the rapid advancement in all things cannabis extensive works of research have been conducted on the subject and here I'll analyze the results of these studies and elaborate on the scientifically backed conclusions on why these two work so well together.


Mechanism of Action: Is Dopamine the Key?

One of the key avenues that served as the basis of the majority of the studies conducted on determining the why and how of the relationship between caffeine and cannabis is boiling down on the mechanisms of action of the two substances. Studies show that caffeine primarily acts by exerting antagonist effects on adenosine receptors. And like we all know, adenosine is a neurotransmitter that reduces brain cells activity via the inhibition of other neurotransmitters release or secretion. So by inhibiting this activity caffeine actively promotes alertness, wakefulness, etc. Caffeine lowers the level of adenosine in the CNS and with that comes the feelings mentioned above but as is almost always the case when factors in the body are being bent away from their natural course the body balances itself out somehow, which is why, while adenosine levels are being lowered by caffeine intake on the other hand norepinephrine and dopamine levels are being increased significantly which is the sole reason why caffeine stimulates the body as these two neurotransmitters (dopamine and norepinephrine) are associated with stimulation. Like caffeine, research shows that cannabis (THC) also exerts its stimulating effects via the dopamine pathway so its very plausible to think that the enhanced levels of rewards gotten by a combination of these two substances is as a result of this similarity in mechanism of action as they could both complement each other and elevate the level of results higher than what either would have produced individually.


The Effects of Caffeine on Endocannabinoid Metabolism

In 2018, advanced scientific studies were conducted solely to ascertain the effects caffeine consumption has on the metabolism of the body. The study utilized high-end metabolic profiling techniques that delivered jaw-dropping results. The study showed that consistent consumption of considerable amounts of caffeine (like 3-6 cups) can impact the metabolism of the human body in diverse ways. Caffeine consumption affected the functions of a lot of the body's systems and a particular one that'll be singled out in this article is the endocannabinoid system. Caffeine's effect on the endocannabinoid system is as intriguing as it is mysterious when closely studied it was shown that the consistent consumption of considerable amounts of caffeine reduced the number of endocannabinoid metabolites in cells. How this plays into the combined effect produced by the combination of cannabis and caffeine is yet to be understood but increased stress levels also have the same effects on endocannabinoid metabolites so there is a hypothesis out there that suggests that caffeine's effect on endocannabinoid metabolites is also carried out via the same process, meaning that the reduction in the levels of endocannabinoid metabolites caused by prolonging caffeine use could be as a result of low-level stress induced by the caffeine. How this plays into the mystery that is 'the relationship between caffeine and cannabis' is yet to be clearly laid out, perhaps the reduction in endocannabinoid levels makes the Phytocannabinoids derived from cannabis consumption a lot more desirable by the body thus producing stronger effects or perhaps it's some other factor in play we are yet to find out, however, with all eyes on set on demystifying this it won't be long before all is understood.


Cannabis and Caffeine: A Unique Experience

Human beings are so special, each one of us is unique in our way. What works for your friend might not necessarily work for you. It's clear as daybreak that there is a synergistic relationship between Caffeine and cannabis but the effects of this combination on each person vary widely majorly because of a lot of factors like dose, frequency of use, metabolism rate, and so on. So the specifics of what you'll feel after taking this combo is often a unique experience. There are users who describe experiences where they're filled with alertness, focus, motivation, energy, and creativity while some users have described their experience as thrilling and exciting, like the fun of moving at a 1000 miles an hour but we aren't all built the same because some says it left them scared and full of anxiety. So the bottom line is that you should know yourself. If you're just starting don't go too far too fast take it slow to see how your body reacts to the combination. Caffeine and cannabis combo is wonderful, and the fact that users have been enjoying what the combination of the two brings to the table for centuries is proof enough that this is the real deal, you just have to get the right dosage your body wants.

If you've taken this combo before please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Did you have a wonderful time? Or was it a no-no experience for you.








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