How Cannabis is an Imaginary Friend
How Cannabis is an Imaginary Friend

Cannabis is My Imaginary Friend and It Makes My Life Better

How to make

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Wednesday Mar 18, 2020

How to Make “Imaginary Friends” with Weed
That Can Actually Make Your Life Better!

cannabis imaginary friend

Every now and then I like to paint outside of the lines. I like to stretch my abilities as a human being and try out weird and interesting little experiments. Currently – I’m working on a 30-Day transformational challenge where I will challenge my paradigms, improve my health, delete habits that don’t serve me, evolve as a human being, etc.

I am a strong advocate for personal transformation and subscribe to the idea that the human being is in a constant state of flux. In other words – we aren’t “set and rigid”, we’re fluid and have the ability to adapt and change if we desire.

This is why on occasions I write about “astral projections”, “Weed magick” and similar fringe concepts that are typically summarized by “highly subjective experiences”. However, when you understand that for your body/mind – the imaginary plane is just as real as the physical one – you can use these faculties to improve your daily life.

Today – we’re going to be talking about “Thought Forms” or what people commonly refer to them as “Imaginary Friends!”


But aren’t Imaginary Friends for Children?

While it’s true that children have a more natural ability to create and sustain thought forms – it isn’t an exercise exclusively reserved for children. In fact, I can argue that the vast majority of the world exercises some sort of “thought form” in their daily lives.

Whether you’re praying to saints, angels, gods, or demons – these under the psychological model would be considered “thought forms” or “entities created within the space of your imagination”.

These entities have the ability to interact and “influence” your reality. For example – when someone prays to God or an Angel and attribute a new opportunity opening up to them as a direct influence from the aforementioned entities.

While there is no “physical proof” that the entity did anything or even whether the entity exist within the “Paramount Reality” – the user of the thought form experienced it as real and in turn achieved an objective they might not have had the guts to pursuit.

What makes thought forms interesting is that irrespective of whether they are real or imaginary – they have the ability to produce real and tangible results.


How Weed Can Assist in this Process

Cannabis allows people to break out of their typical thought patterns and engage with higher creative thought patterns. In other words – when you’re high, you engage in highly abstract creation processes where “time and space” evaporates and you engage – as Freud would put it – “Oceanic Feeling” or a “Sensation of Eternity”.

This allows you to access these mental spaces far easier and can even be integrated into you weed smoking habit.


The Two Models of Understanding

For the sake of this article – I’ll be explaining the following process under the psychological model which states that “all of the creation of this thought form solely occurs within your own mind” as well as the energetic/astral model which states “you create an energetic entity that operates within the astral plane or higher dimensionality”.

Whether you’re more inclined to the rationalist model or the energetic/spiritual model – you can decide which to believe.

Writing “Brain Code”

Now let’s get to creating the Thought Form.

A Thought Form, in essence is an imaginary “program” you’ll be writing to execute in your brain and “do things” for you.

For instance – you can create a thought form that “helps you find the best parking spot at the mall” for example or something more complex to “heals my bones quicker” or something like that.

Really there is no limit to what you can do with your thought form, however, making it more “functional” within the space of your believable reality will make it more effective.

In order to write the code you’ll need to do the following [in no particular order]:

Define the Purpose – First you’ll want to establish a General Purpose [Healing] and then a more define purpose [restoring muscles after working out at the gym]. Also – think of everything that you associate with “healing” whether it’s “a radiant light, medicine, doctors, nurses, red cross, etc” Any symbolism or idea related to the core concept – list them on a paper or make a collage.

Name it – You’ll also want to create a name to increase the bond you have with the entity. You begin creating a personality when you name it. Let the name resonate with the core function of the thought form – “Healing = Peregrine was the name of the Saint of Healing”. You don’t have to use a name of a saint – rather, whatever YOU associate with healing.

Appearance – based on the first step – you should have many representation of the “idea” you wish to create, now – make the thought form have a shape, weight, smell, sound, etc. Be as creative as you can be. The more detailed the better.

Needs – Thought forms need to be “fed” in order to sustain itself. If you had an imaginary friend as a kid – why did it go away? Because you stopped paying attention to it or came to a realization you no longer “needed” it. It then retired and disappeared from your reality. Establish what it needs to be a live is crucial. You could decide to use “astral food” – where you can let them pick “imaginary berries” every “Wednesday” where the imaginary friend can leave your side to feed. Or, something more mundane like “a particular song” or “your Monday Jog” or even “your nightly spanks” depending on what you choose. You establish this bond because it makes the “entity more real”. Within your psychological structure – the need to feed it makes it dependent on you, meaning “you give it life” via giving it attention.

Where it lives – A thought form requires a “location” within your mind to exist. You can superimpose this location onto the physical like a statue, picture, painting, a shoe, your poster or even the corner of your eye [just be careful cuz you’ll start seeing it]. This creates a more significant bond and places the “entity” within a location – making it realer.

Abilities and Strengths – This is important because this is how the entity interacts with you and how it gets the job done. For example – you could say that it can transform into any shape it desires, it can manipulate electrical forces, it eats of psychic energies and transforms it into ‘X’ configuration…etc.

Lifespan – How long will the thought form be in operation for? Depending on whether you have a “general purpose thought form” [keep your immune system boosted] or a “specific purpose thought form” [get me through this problem]. Putting in an expiration date is a good way to not leave your mind cluttered with “loose code” in your brain. You get to retire the ones no longer functional or maintain those you would like to work with for longer periods of time.

Activation – Last year I wrote a piece called “Weedscraft – How to Make a Sigil” which is essentially the way you’ll want to go about activating your thought form. After you’ve worked on your design – sigilize it entirely and activate the sigil. If you want, you can utilize the Joint Sigil spell to activate it. This is where the Cannabis becomes a crucial part to the entire process.

Summoning – If you have a thought form that will always be active [healing, protection, money] you’ll only need to actively feed it. However, if you have thought forms that perform certain tasks [more strength, endurance, better orgasms] you can anchor a trigger. This could be a “power word” a “movement”, a sound, smell – whatever you can tie to the thought form to activate and serve your purposes.

And that’s it.


Is this all bullshit?

Irrespective of whether you think that the thought form is a real entity [energetic model] or simply an imaginary friend [psychological model] – the truth of the matter is that it is a highly effective neurological programming method that can help you achieve amazing results.

We used these mechanisms when we were children to cope with things that were beyond our reason and understanding – yet as we grew older we abandoned these psychological tricks for reason and logic.

While reason and logic works for “most” of our day to day actions – it fails within so many other aspects of our lives [relationships, art, creation, emotion, etc].

If you only operate within the rationalist paradigm – you close yourself off from the ability to experiment with other paradigms, thereby logically limiting your ability to experience life to the fullest of your abilities.

Now – all that is left to do is to go and smoke some serious bud and create an imaginary friend that will assist you in your day to day things.

You might call this bullshit – but then what about your religion?








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