How to roll a joint with a dollar bill?
How to Roll a Dollar Bill Joint from CannabisNet on Vimeo.
Are you one of those people that has "joint phobia"? That fear that creeps into your stomach when you are with your friends or at a party and someone asks you to roll a joint? Maybe you make them sloppy, maybe you make them wet. Either way, it is the sinking feeling in your stomach as your head says, "Please, anyone else but me!" when a friend slides the tray and papers toward you.
Have no fear, Cannabis.Net is here!
Did you know you can roll a pretty sweet joint by using a handy dollar bill you have in your pocket or wallet? That is right, check out our latest "how to" video on how to roll a joint using just a dollar bill. It will help you out in a bind and also make you look cool to all the stoners who have never seen it done before in person.
Here are your written instructions on how to roll a joint with a dollar bill.
The Dollar Bill Method Tutorial
There are many tutorials on rolling joints however this specific method is designed to help those who are simply pitiful in their rolling style. The Dollar Bill Method can produce perfectly rolled joints for even the most newbie stoners out there.
So let’s get right into it.
Dollar Bill (or any bill for that matter)
The Procedure
Step 1: Folding the Bill
The first step to this method is to take the bill in your hands and to fold it in half. This will hold the weed for you.
Step 2: Inserting the Weed
Next, place your grounded weed (in the case of the video we’re using trim) into the bill.
Step 3: Center and Roll
After you have placed the weed in the bill, make sure that the weed is in the center. Once you have achieved this, start rolling the bill up and down to form a “tube shape”. Some weed will spill out of the side but that’s okay, you’ll put it back in when you pack the joint down.
Step 4: Insert the Paper
Once you have achieved the Joint Shape it’s time to insert the paper. Insert the paper with the gummy side facing you. Once you have secured the paper behind the weed, close the bill again, squeeze it rightly and start rolling in an upward direction.
Step 5: Lickidy Split
Once you have rolled the joint to the point that only the gummy side of the paper is remaining within the bill, lick the gummy side. Close the bill once more and keep on rolling it all the way up. This will stick the gummy side to the rest of the paper and voilà, you have one rolled up joint.
NOTE: At times some weed will spill from the side of the bill, once the joint has been rolled, you can just use the spilled weed to pack the joint down and you’re set.
With this technique you will be able to roll perfect joints in no time and you don’t need to have any real rolling skills.
So there you have it – The Dollar Bill Method Explained.
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