cannabis funding bank accounts
cannabis funding bank accounts

The $100 Million Cannabis Funding Deal-Flow Blowout – Cannabis Banks and Investors Get Ready to Break Records

Need a cannabis bank account or investor?

Posted by:
Laurie Lyons on Thursday Aug 8, 2019

The $100 Million Cannabis Funding Deal-Flow Blowout – Cannabis Banks and Investors Get Ready to Break Records

cannabis bank accounts and funding

Massachusetts event hopes to set records in funding, bank accounts, and economic empowerment investments.

Massachusetts, known for its great colleges, medical care, and sports championships is quickly becoming a hot bed of cannabis activity and investment, and in a few weeks, hopes to break records for investments in cannabis, bank accounts, and getting over 100 of the economically empowerment candidates designated by the state of Massachusetts some funding and deal flow. got to talk with Kirstin Elaine Martin of Sparxcubed, who is organizing the event and organizing the economic empowerment candidates, the investors, the banks who take cannabis accounts, and the funding paperwork.

How did you come up with the idea for the Metamorphosis Event?

The world is watching to see if Massachusetts state leaders and local officials will make good on their promises to give Priority Access to Economic Empowerment (EE) and Social Equity (SE) segments of the cannabis market, and to hold that position for two years! These appointed and elected officials have talked a good game but have not yet been able to deliver the financial and other resources needed to make that Priority Access become real economic opportunity for the 120 or so Economic Empowerment applicants for Massachusetts cannabis businesses. Only a couple of the EE entrepreneurs have made it to the finish line, but we are going to change that together.

At a secluded estate on the north shore of Boston, we will provide a beautiful environment complete with the best of everything to make your day enjoyable and relaxing, even while attendees are there to get deals done.  Good food, training by the best professionals and leaders in the sector, music and warm introductions to new friends and business partners will make this a day to remember forever.

You have some really big financial services names coming, as well as some heavyweights in the cannabis industry now coming from all over the country, but can any investor come and listen to pitches and deals? 

If you are savvy and know that right now is the best opportunity to get into Massachusetts cannabis, CBD and hemp. You also know that capital is only one of the requirements for building a strong, profitable cannabis business, and you want to use your resources to help create a vibrant, diverse and inclusive GREEN economy. Finally, you know that having a minority stake in a great venture is better than having a majority stake in a mediocre one. Cannabis investments in MA so far have been subpar without the big profits that were expected. We can help you change that by introducing you to the real players who have street cred: They have learned how to survive during years of being hunted and harassed in the name of cannabis.  The EE and SE candidates we will have present have systematically bee excluded from the official economic and political structures. Now is their time to thrive!

If you are interested in learning about cannabis on the federal and state levels, especially regarding the uniqueness of markets being created here right now in Massachusetts. You would also like to meet your investor and lender peers with the idea of partnering on deals where it makes sense. Finally ,and, most importantly, you are going to get an up close and personal introduction to the EE, SE and other local cannabis entrepreneurs who have decided to make the investment of their time and energy and an admission ticket to our retreat.

Believe us, these talented entrepreneurs possess advantages that can be monetized, or securitized, for you money-oriented people and, with the right thinking and entrepreneurial spirit, will help bring economic equity to the inner cities and to well-deserving striving people. Their life experiences will enable the investor class to fund companies that are diverse and value the life experience of people who have come up hard.

What about ancillary services to the cannabis space, should they get a ticket and come either to offer services or to invest?

If you are a bank, law office, realtor, accounting firm or other ancillary business, you will find 15-20 vetted and ready cannabis entrepreneurs, along with 30-50 capital sources, all in one place looking for partners just like you!  Spaces are limited to a total of 10 third party service providers for this event so RSVP now!

The event seems to have started as an underground movement but has now been talked about from coast to coast, how much money do you hope to have in the room and how did you get possibly 5 cannabis banks to set up a cannabis bank pavilion?

We hope to have close to $200 million dollars in the room for deal flow over 6 or 8 hours and the cannabis banks that are coming are very excited to meet vetted cannabis companies and applicants that need access to cannabis banking services.  Not only can SE and EE applicants pitch and apply for cannabis bank accounts, but so can regular cannabis entrepreneurs and startup from around the country.  Too many companies and people talk about investing and then spin their wheels. We want this event to be about writing checks or creating debt or equity deals, getting bank account applications filled out and getting businesses in motion. 

Where and when is the event?

The event is in lovely Manchester-By-The-Sea in Massachusetts on August 24th. (Update, see below, new date is September 28th) It is called the Metamorphosis Retreat and you can check out our event on our website at , or Facebook at  or get a ticket at .The ticket cost helps put the event on and allows us to offer scholarships on a need bases to some of our economic empowerment and social empowerment candidates.  Anyone can reach me as well at my email of .  We have 2 sponsorship opportunities left for the event as well for cannabis businesses looking to go viral in the Massachusetts area.  This will be an amazing event, we will have a cannabis banking pavilion where banks will have people standing by with applications ready, we will have an investor tent, food, drinks, pitch sessions, and hopefully lots of deal happening.

Why are the tickets so cheap?  To pitch at most events in the cannabis industry, like at an ArcView event, it costs a minimum of $2,000 and some events charge $5,000?

We wanted to keep costs low for not only the EE and SE companies coming, but also for the investors, it leaves them more money to invest! Lol!  This is about connecting people on the right teams and to getting projects moving.

Want to pitch your cannabis business or invest, learn more, click here.

Ticket purchases will be limited to venue size, purchase a ticket here.

Sponorship spots - email

August 15th Update

The event has had a date change at the request of SE and EE candidates needing more time to get their pitches ready, their pro-forma reports, and their slide deck done.  The new date was going to be September 21st but that turned out to be the Freedom Rally Weekend in Massachusetts, the largest outdoor cannabis event in the state held on the Boston Common.  The date then got pushed to the 28th to also help some of the of out of town banks and insurance companies that are coming to the event as well. September 28th will be the new date, so put it in your calendar.







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