Ex-Marine Beats Cancer 3x Using Cannabis from CannabisNet on Vimeo.
Life is constantly changing, shifting, moving and we must be ready to accept the changes. The common denominator that we all share, no matter what our race, religion, sexual orientation, or financial situation may be, is our health.
There are times in our life, that we take our health for granted. As a nurse I have seen sickness much more often and closely than others, especially starting out as a candy striper when I was 14 years old and realized helping others who were suffering was what I wanted to do when I grew up. Then life has a way of getting in the way. Innocence is lost as we age. Life has a way of teaching us and the quote that always comes to my mind is that, “Life is the cruelest teacher because she gives you the test before you get the lesson.”
Cancer has changed my life. I embraced my second diagnosis with cancer. I honestly felt there was something I needed to learn, someone I needed to touch. My second diagnosis with cancer brought me to the world of alternative therapy where cannabis was added to my individualized treatment plan. Although at the time the hospital did not provide the authorization, they did not stop me from adding it to my care. It has been 34 months since I have been in remission. I will never forget that second biopsy as I lay on the stretcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, the morning after the Boston Marathon Bombing. The post operative area was on lock down due to another bomb scare, and there were people fighting for there lives, lost limbs, and innocence lost, cancer wasn’t so bad.
My journey became public as I started a blog called “Breast Cancer and Me”. Just as that blights changed and grown, so have I. Nique-Wear, my cancer and fitness inspired clothing line was started though my networking and advocacy and was accepted into an entrepreneur program, Entrepreneurs for All South Coast Summer 2016 Accelerator Program. I was amazed that this nonprofit was willing to work with someone in the world of cannabis.
Through this “business bootcamp” I was challenged to use my vision and push the envelope and I completed the accelerator portion as a Cannabis Nurse Navigator and the CEO of Holistic 2 Healing, Inc a nonprofit company to provide education within the nursing community to raise awareness and understanding of Cannabis as medicine with the ability to guide patients through a competent, individualized treatment plan of care with personalized choices and navigating them to the resources that they need; both the patients and the nursing community.
Today I advocate for the rights of cannabis as medicine. Today I fight for the ability to be employed in a medically legal state in which I am a registered patient as a two time cancer survivor. Although these rights should also protected by HIPAA, I am forced to fight for the ability to work as a registered nurse because of my drug tests. Federal employment law supersedes state employment law and today many facilities are owned and operated by large corporate entities, with federal funding.
I served my country in the United States Marine Corps. I have been a registered nurse for 21 years. I went back to school and received my Master’s degree in nursing leadership and healthcare systems. My life experiences and my education bring so much to the nursing profession, yet using cannabis as medicine I cannot get past the drug test. So I have decided to put to use my degree in healthcare systems and assist facilities understand the system as a cannabis nurse navigator and navigate these corporations through the cannabis world by educating and empowering nurses.
I didn’t choose to have cancer, I didn't choose to have cancer twice. I did not lie or cheat my way through the system to gain employment, yet corporate is not ready for honesty. In the meantime, I will continue to survive. I will continue to follow my passion. I just want you to think for a moment; What would you do?
Nique Pichette, MSN, RN
Cannabis Nurse Navigator
Veteran USMC
Two Time Breast Cancer Survivor - Check Out My Clothing Line at www.niquewear.com