strains for leukemia
strains for leukemia

The 5 Best Strains to Combat the Symptoms of Leukemia

5 Marijuana Strains For Leukemia Patients

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Friday Feb 23, 2018

5 Cannabis Strains For Leukemia

Medical Marijuana Strains Leukemia Patients Should Try First from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


Leukemia is an aggressive type of cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow. It usually targets the white blood cells which play a critical role in keeping your immune system strong in order to fight off infections.


The exact cause of leukemia is unknown, although the statistics show that exposure to radiation, chemotherapy, cigarette smoking, and family history are risk factors. There are an estimated 345,422 people living with leukemia in the United States today, or are in remission. Symptoms of leukemia include swollen lymph nodes, pain in the joints or bones, bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, fevers, and regular infections.


There is no known cure for leukemia; doctors can only recommend conventional forms of treatment such as radiation, chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplant. In some cases, these forms of treatment work but many other times they don’t. Additionally, the side effects of these treatments can be devastating: anemia, hair loss, fatigue, nausea, and infection can plague the patient. Children with leukemia are much more vulnerable to the side effects of treatment.


However, many scientific studies demonstrate the efficacy of cannabis in treating leukemia. One of the earliest research cases analyzing the effect of cannabis on leukemia was done in 2002, where scientists found that tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, as well as other cannabinoids in the plant, are effective in causing apoptosis (induced cell death) in human leukemia and lymphoma cells. They also found that THC helped prevent the spread of lymphoma tumors. Other studies also prove the efficacy of THC as well as CBD (cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis) in treating leukemia.

These are the 5 best strains to combat the symptoms of leukemia:

girl scout cookies strain

  1. Girl Scout Cookies is a widely popular strain recognized for its potent medicinal benefits. Girl Scout Cookies has received several Cannabis Cup Awards, so you can be sure that this strain’s properties have been critically acclaimed. Many patients turn to Girl Scout Cookies for its ability to knock out pain and nausea, especially for those suffering from leukemia. This strain consistently tests between 17 to 28% THC, which means it’s rather potent – start medicating in small doses then work your way up. Girl Scout Cookies will also induce the munchies so if appetite loss is plaguing you, be prepared with healthy treats for speedy healing.

ghost train haze strain

  1. Ghost Train Haze is an excellent strain for treating fatigue caused by leukemia. Ghost Train Haze is one of the most powerful sativas out there, and also has a strong THC content that may be dizzying in large amounts. Best to microdose when medicating with Ghost Train Haze. This strain is one of the best daytime medicines out there, ideal for treating fatigue, loss of appetite, pain, as well as depression and anxiety.

cannatonic strain

  1. Cannatonic is legendary for its high CBD content, recommended for leukemia patients who prefer to medicate without getting a buzz from THC. Cannatonic is a hybrid, although its indica effects are more dominant. This strain will mellow you out and relax you, gently lull you into a deep tranquil state – it’s no wonder Cannatonic is a favorite among patients. Cannatonic is a short-lived strain but because it’s mellow, patients can easily medicate anytime they need without worrying about their productivity getting hampered.

purple kush strain

  1. Purple Kush is a popular indica among chemotherapy patients. In fact, it’s recognized for being one of the top 10 most powerful strains in the world. It usually tests at around 15% THC and it has a distinct grape undertone. Patients report a euphoric, happy high with Purple Kush; so if insomnia and depression from leukemia are getting down, you can rely on this strain. Purple Kush is also beneficial for headaches, depression, stress, and pain.

sour diesel strain

  1. Sour Diesel is an invigorating sativa that many cancer patients find useful because of its dreamy, cerebral high. Patients who prefer to zone out or engage in creative activities as a means of healing will benefit from Sour Diesel, because it elevates the experience and makes it much more enjoyable. Sour Diesel knocks out pain, stress, and depression; providing long-lasting relief for the symptoms of leukemia as well as chemotherapy. Sour Diesel is also effective against fatigue and headaches.








lymphocytic luekemia and cannabis





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