Top 5 Cannabis Strains for Huntington’s Disease

Top 5 Cannabis Strains for Huntington’s Disease

Medical Marijuana Strains To Test With Huntington's Disease

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Tuesday Jul 25, 2017

Top 5 Cannabis Strains for Huntington’s Disease


strains for huntingtons



Huntington’s Disease is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder with which there is no cure today. Patients who are diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease suffer from difficulty walking, thinking, talking, and reasoning because nerve cells in the brain are damaged, causing an impact on cognitive processes.




People living with Huntington’s Disease suffer from emotional and mental challenges, as well as their family. Seeing people that you love cope with debilitating conditions is difficult especially because it only get worse with time. It can also be challenging to communicate with patients since they also tend to exhibit peculiar behavior, clumsiness, and mood swings.



Medical marijuana research has shown to be promising in helping people with Huntington’s Disease better manage their symptoms. If you or a loved one are considering taking cannabis for Huntington’s Disease, these are the top 5 strains that patients use for this condition:



harlequin strain

  • Harlequin is a popular CBD strain especially among patients of those with neurodegenerative conditions such as Huntington’s Disease. This strain won’t get you high, although it’s best consumed in the afternoon. Harlequin is a great sativa, perfect to use for daytime medication while helping to keep you alert for other tasks. It delivers a mild euphoria and will keep you happy, ideal to help you ward off the depression and anxiety that accompanies Huntington’s Disease. Patients report feeling more creative and focused with Harlequin, so if you’re the type who enjoys therapy through art this strain is highly recommended. Harlequin is considered one of the rarest strains to find, so if you manage to get a hold of this strain take advantage of it. Harlequin may have mild side effects such as anxiety and dizziness, but these are likely only in the beginning and will go away on its own.


cannatonic strain

  • Cannatonic is well known for its high CBD and low THC content; it’s no surprise that this strain is popular among patients. In fact, many regard Cannatonic to be the perfect hybrid strain for almost any kind of medical need. This strain delivers a mellow, relaxed high that lasts shorter than the average strain so you may find yourself medicating throughout the day but it will be worth it because Cannatonic is extremely beneficial for neurodegenerative conditions especially those that affect muscle coordination. Patients with chronic pain, migraines, and anxiety also turn to Cannatonic for its therapeutic benefits. Some patients report occasional paranoia and dizziness with Cannatonic, although these effects are temporary.


cheese cananbis strain

  • Cheese may be known for its pungent cheese-like aroma, but this strain is extremely beneficial for patients of Huntington’s Disease. Patients love smoking Cheese for the happy and relaxed effects it delivers, which will then ease you to a gentle, blissful state that will make you forget about things that stress you out. Cheese is also an excellent strain to help treat depression, pain, insomnia, and headaches. First-time users may experience dizziness, dry eyes, and cotton mouth when smoking Cheese, but these are temporary and can subside after a few minutes.


blue dream strain

  • Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid from California. It’s one of the most legendary strains but also extremely important for medical use. People with Huntington’s Disesae love Blue Dream because of the full-body relaxation it offers while gently invigorating the mind. This strain is a favorite of both veteran and novice consumers, so even if it’s your first time to try medicating you can’t go wrong with the benefits of Blue Dream. This strain is effective in treating depression, pain, and nausea although its high THC content makes it ideal for evening medicating or when you’re just at home. Some report that Blue Dream gives them a dry mouth, red eyes, and occasional headache and dizziness especially if it’s your first time.


lemon kush

  • Lemon Kush is a great strain for soothing you both physically and mentally. Patients of Huntington’s Disease enjoy Lemon Kush for its ability to help them alleviate depression and pain while managing the symptoms of the disease. Few strains can top Lemon Kush’s ability to keep you uplifted and euphoric. Many enjoy using this strain to unwind and relax especially when they are feeling down. Lemon Kush gives an excellent positive and pleasant high that will keep you feeling good. This strain is also recommended for nausea, pain, and depression. A few users have reported that this strain may make them feel dizzy and paranoid, as well as the occasional headaches although these should subside eventually.



What strains do you use for Huntington’s Disease? Share with us in the comments below.








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