Boltzmann’s Infinite Mind Theory
Boltzmann’s Infinite Mind Theory

Boltzmann’s Infinite Mind Theory and How Cannabis Plays a Role in Expanding Our Universe

What is the floating brain theory and what does weed do to enhance our thinking

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Tuesday May 18, 2021

Ganja Theories – Reality is the Sustained Thought Form of An Infinite Mind

botzman floating brain theory

Don’t you just love a good Ganja Theory? I do! It’s like “High-Deas” but far more profound!


In today’s Ganja Theory, I wish to talk about the origins of reality and providing you with an alternative narrative to chew on.




Because people assume that the universe was formed by the Big Bang and that’s it – but in reality, the science isn’t so “set in stone” as to the origins of the universe. In fact, there are several alternative narratives to our origins.


Of course, within the field of Hermetic Philosophy – asking the question about “what is outside of the observable universe” is a question of folly – they do have a thought on how the universe could be.


This is because Hermetic philosophers implement Hermetic Principle to analyses things bigger than themselves. One of these principles states, “As above, so below”.


This essentially means that everything is reflective of everything and while this may sound weird at first, when you begin to pull on the thread things start to make sense.


For example, the atomic universe and the observable universe behave similarly with orbits, smashing of atomic particles, subtle forces manipulating things, and so forth.


Of course – as with every philosophy or idea, anything is “subjective” and debatable – but for the sake of our Ganja Theory today, we’ll just assume everything is true as an exercise in creativity and intelligence.


The Theory I’m going to be sharing today is just a thought experiment, so before you think that this is LAW and throw a shit-fit, chill, smoke a bowl and let’s think on some crazy theories….okay?


Here we go!


Are we merely brains floating in space?


This thought experiment was designed by an Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906), who proposed the Boltzmann brain in 1896 which tried to account for the fact that humans find themselves in a universe that is not as chaotic as the budding field of thermodynamics seemed to predict.


According to Wikipedia;


“The Boltzmann brain argument suggests that it is more likely for a single brain to spontaneously and briefly form in a void (complete with a false memory of having existed in our universe) than it is for the universe to have come about in the way modern science thinks it actually did. In this physics thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life in our universe, that arises due to extremely rare random fluctuations out of a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Theoretically, over an extremely large but not infinite amount of time, by sheer chance atoms in a void could spontaneously come together in such a way as to assemble a functioning human brain. Like any brain in such circumstances, it would almost immediately stop functioning and begin to deteriorate.”


In other words, when the universe eventually reaches “heat death” or a state of final entropy, the universe itself would be a soup of atomic particles fluctuating in an infinite void.


Over time, these particles would be able to reconfigure themselves to physically create a brain which would exist for mere moments and then return back into the soup from whence it came.




This brain would theoretically create the entire concept of universe and within a fraction of a moment – could theoretically live the “entire life” of a human from birth to death during the miniscule life cycle of the brain.


In theory, there would be an infinite amount of Boltzmann brains, millions upon millions of them with the exact configuration of YOUR bran.


More interestingly, these Boltzmann brains would not be able to distinguish itself from you. In other words, you could very well be one of the millions of Boltzmann brains floating in the infinite void right now, thinking that all of this universe and existence is “Real” when in reality, you’re a brain on the verge of returning back to “Soup”!


The Infinite Mind of Hermeticism


Within the Hermetic Philosophy, one of the principles is that the “Universe is a Mental Construct”. Hermetic philosophers believe that the entire universe is a thought-form in an infinite mind. Similar to how you can think of something, create it within the mind’s eye, and then let it dissipate back into the blackness of your mind.


This “Infinite Mind” is sustaining everything that we know. All the rules, all the laws of nature, every single person. Hermeticists call it “The ALL”.


Within Hermetic Philosophy, the infinite mind will continue to expand the thoughtform, similar to how you would be “day dreaming” about something in more complex detail. Eventually, when a certain point is reached – the mind will retract the thought and reabsorb the experiences created within this space.


When I first discovered the Boltzmann Brain thought experiment, it immediately made me think of the possibility of an infinite mind.


Boltzmann’s Infinite Mind


It’s safe to say that under the parameters of Boltzmann, in that there could literally be trillions of similar brains than yours floating in “The Soup” – it is also likely that within infinity the formation of an infinite brain would also be a reality.


Suddenly, the idea of the “All” sustaining the entire universe within an infinite mind starts becoming mathematically plausible.


If we merge Boltzmann’s exercise with the Hermetic principles, there is a possibility that over infinity, an infinite mind was born.


Unlike these fluctuated brains – that come in and out of existence in pure randomness – the infinite mind would be able to sustain itself infinitely and the reality of this infinite mind could be sustained indefinitely.


This means, that within these parameters – we could all be existing within an infinite brain, floating in infinity, and infinitely creating a projection that is each and every one of us!


Now…take a deep hit from your bong – and ponder a bit more about this shit! Are we merely an infinite brain existing within a soup of atoms convinced that we exist when in reality we are merely the thoughtforms of the infinite mind?








What did you think?

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