Tucker Carlson on Weed
Tucker Carlson on Weed

Tuckered by Ideology - Understanding the Mind of the Willfully Ignorant Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is unable to understand the benefits of cannabis despite the proof

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Friday Oct 11, 2019

Tuckered by Ideology – Understanding the mind of the willfully ignorant

tucker carlson on marijuana

If someone is willfully ignorant, no matter what you say or what evidence you provide – they will stick to their narrative. This is because their narrative is intrinsically intertwined with their ego and if it comes under threat, you take a jab at the very core of the identity of the person.


Tucker Carlson is one such a person who recently commented on the House passing the SAFE banking Act with 3:1 support on the matter. Tucker complained that congress is too preoccupied with “small things” and should be focusing on the larger matters at hand.


Tucker also didn’t provide any scientific evidence or logical arguments to support his disdain for the passing of the Act. Rather, he spewed forth his ideological reasoning which was well received within his echo chamber.


Today, we’re going to be addressing some of the “arguing points” that Tucker made about cannabis – and sub-sequentially destroy them.


Let’s start!


Legalization would help Weed Dealers


Well no shit Tucker! People who are within the legitimate space would benefit from not having the Federal government seize their funds and disrupt their business. It will also help those who grow cannabis, distribute cannabis and work within the legal framework. As a result, this will allow medical patients and recreational patients to not have to worry about the Federal government intervening in their supply.


As a “Conservative” American, Tucker should be in favor of individual liberties and smaller government. Yet, when it comes to weed, suddenly government regulating (as opposed to disrupting) is a bad thing. In reality, the Federal government regulating the cannabis market would mean “smaller-less-intrusive-government” which should be a conservative principle.


Yet his ideological approach to the problem sits in direct opposition to his moralistic views on cannabis, and as a result, he has to abandon one. It seems, that Tucker is far more of a “moralist” than a “conservative”, even though there might be overlapping concepts.


Drug Epidemic isn’t weed



“So in the middle of the deadliest drug epidemic in our history, the only thing Congress can agree on is it ought to be easier to sell drugs to Americans.” – Tucker Carlson


The problem with this idea is that Tucker is conflating the Opioid epidemic with cannabis consumption. This only shows us that Carlson has no true understanding of drugs whatsoever, and even less about the opioid epidemic.


The only evidence we have seen thus far is that when cannabis is more available, it provides alternatives to opioids for pain management. While it’s not proven that it reduces deaths, there is evidence to suggest this.


Secondly, cannabis is a fundamental human right. To have it illegal is the true crime because essentially it signifies that you are not the final authority over your own mind and body.


They want you dumb!


Here’s another Tuckerism for ya;


“And for another, when you mismanage the country this badly, you want the people to be so out of it they don’t respond. That is really true. They want you to be dumb.”


The thing is, that the people who have been most vocal about the poor performance of the government are “cannabis smokers”. We have been commenting on the government forever. In fact, it can be argued that this is one of the very reasons why cannabis remained illegal for so long. In the 1960s, the CIA did experimentations on different substances to see if they can figure out the whole “mind control” thing.


After much testing, they found that cannabis is “not suitable” for mind control and that in many cases it acted as an “inoculant” to mind control. In other words, cannabis actually makes you think a tad bit more critically.


And this is where Carlson gets it wrong completely. His obvious lack of experience with cannabis makes him think that “smoking dope” will make you “thick, slow and dumb”. This is because he has been programmed by the government to think like this. He, being “sober”, still doesn’t have the insight or capacity to see that the government has been spreading lies and misinformation on cannabis for decades.


Advocates have seen the strings pulled behind the scenes for decades. We are the most vocal about our disdain about the government and the obvious “rigged system” we live in.


Furthermore, smoking weed isn’t like getting blasted on booze. You still have the ability to think, react and engage with your surroundings. Of course, eating 15 brownies will knock you on your ass, but who does that every day? No one!


Most people consume cannabis responsibly, and if the government is ready to allow businesses to operate legally, then these Tuckerisms need to be laid to rest. Ideologues can’t see past their own narratives unfortunately. Interestingly, weed would probably help them break out of their own prejudices and restricting paradigms – However, their moralistic opposition leaves them in the space of the “willfully ignorant”.


Sorry Tuck, You have abso-fucking-lutely no idea what you’re talking about.








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