marijuana infused guacamole recipe
marijuana infused guacamole recipe

Ever Heard of the Cannabis Guacamole Recipe?

Marijuana-infused guacamole may be the dream munchie for cannabis fans!

Posted by:
Joseph Billions on Monday Apr 20, 2020

Ever Heard of The Cannabis Guacamole Recipe?

cannabis guacamole

With the increasing legalization of cannabis, many are now getting creative with the creation of several cannabis edibles as it is now being infused into several things. These include tea, coffee, butter, gummy bears and guacamole among other things with cookies and brownies being the most popular cannabis edibles for now. Guacamole is a very nutritious and stimulating dish that serves as a great addition to any meal as many people love and prefer it. It is a dish made mainly from Avocado which is a fruit native to South Central Mexico which is then added to some other ingredients. It can serve as a perfectly healthy meal or a Friday snack or appetizer for when you invite friends over.

The Avocado is an often dismissed fruit, this is mostly as a result of the high-fat content which it contains. However, what most people don't know is that this fruit has a lower fat concentration than some very common foods like lean beef and three tablespoons of Italian salad dressing. Despite this, you will be surprised to know that this fruit is not only smooth and filling but also has some essential health benefits. These include all the 18 essential amino acids that ensure it serves as a complete protein while its high fiber content and easy digestion also make it a preferable alternative to animal protein. They also contain some fats called monounsaturated fats that aid in the reduction of cholesterol by raising the level of high-density lipoproteins in the body and consequently reducing any chances for the development of heart disease.

Due to its high fat concentration, avocados serve as one of the best ingredients to use in the preparation of cannabis edibles. This is because THC, the cannabis compound responsible for making one high is fat-soluble which means it can only be activated in fatty foods, which accounts for why the majority of the cannabis edibles such as cookies and brownies have high fat and high sugar concentration. However, avocados are healthier especially for those who are not interested in the extra calories those other edibles have to offer but want only the medicinal benefits. Cannabis guacamole does not require any special preparation as the only thing that makes it unique is the infusion of cannabis in its preparation.


Number of Servings: 6-10

Ingredients to be used are:

2 limes, juiced

3 tablespoons of cannabis oil

1/3 cilantro, finely chopped

4 avocados- peeled, pitted and mashed

1 small diced onion, red or white

2 chopped Roma tomatoes

4 grams of ground cannabis

1 garlic clove, smashed and minced

Optional ingredients:

Cayenne pepper

Black pepper, ground

Chilli powder




  1. Preheat your oven to 2250F. Add your ground cannabis to a cookie sheet, spread it and bake for about 45 minutes.
  2. Mix all the main ingredients except the cannabis into a bowl
  3. Add the ground cannabis to the mixture once it is done baking
  4. Mix in your preferred optional ingredients until you get your desired seasoning level
  5. Cover your guacamole with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for about an hour
  6. Serve and enjoy


Preparing your ingredients ahead helps save time, leaving you to just mix and stir them in. Also, you can do with or without the optional ingredients and still have great guacamole as they only help in enhancing your dish in terms of taste. For your cannabis-infused guacamole, the number of servings to be prepared will determine the dosage to be put into the preparation but you can also determine this based on the tolerance of the individuals to enjoy the guacamole or your desired potency. Although, the strength of your oil is also a major determinant as you would not want to put too much into your guacamole or any other edible for that matter because it can be tricky as it usually takes a while for its effects to kick in.

Also, some people prefer to make their cannabis oil from scratch to infuse into edibles such as guacamole, cookies or brownies anytime they need it or when they are unable to get it in dispensaries when they run out. To prepare the cannabis oil, it only requires two ingredients which are any ground cannabis strain of your choice and olive oil in which the amount of oil should be the same as the size of the cannabis you wish to prepare, this means an ounce of oil per every serving of cannabis. Next is to combine both ingredients into a pan, stir well and heat on low flame for about an hour after which the mixture is then strained with a fine mesh strainer to extract the oil. If kept in an airtight container and refrigerated, your cannabis olive oil can last up to a month.










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