Weed Talk NEWS – Will the Senate Go Democratic and Force Legalization Fast?
Have you seen this week’s episode of Weed Talk NEWS? Pro Cannabis Media covers the marijuana industry in 15 minutes of less, going from coast to coast and country to country to find out what is new in the cannabis industry for this week.
Featured reports are Jimmy Young of Pro Cannabis Media, Curt Dalton of Cannabis.net, Deb Borchardt of the Green Market Report, Ry Russell of WeedBudz, Phil Adams of Vote Pro Pot Podcast, Solomon Israel of Marijuana Business Daily, and well as a host of other guests and commentators.
This week the stock market responds to the election results, sending cannabis stocks higher, the mergers continue in the cannabis industry as bigger players look for consolidation, and with the clean sweep of cannabis state voting ballots, will the Senate have to approve Federal legalization quicker rather than later? The Moore Act has now been scheduled for a House vote in December, so what does that mean for future Federal legalization?
You can catch all of the Weed Talk NEWS episode but clicking on the YouTube link above or below, while also being able to watch past episodes and videos at the bottom of the page. Pro Cannabis Media also does an interview series called Weed Talk NOW, where legendary guests such as Tommy Chong, Bruce Linton, Joe Lusardi, and more have sat down with Jimmy and Curt to talk about the marijuana industry.
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