Weed Talk NOW – Keith Cooper of Revolutionary Clinics Talks Massachusetts Marijuana
Revolutionary Clinics talks lawsuits in Cambridge, SE and EE Applicants, and essential or recreational Cannabis
Revolutionary Clinics is one of the most successful medical marijuana companies in Massachusetts with 3 locations opened now in the Boston proper area, including Cambridge and Somerville. While their medical marijuana sales and operations have stayed open, Governor Baker of Massachusetts has suspended all recreational sales in the state. Massachusetts is one of the few states that have allowed medical sales of cannabis during the pandemic, but halted recreational sales of marijuana.
This topic has been discussed at length on Cannabis.net and Weed Talk LIVE, as there should have been a compromised reached on recreational sales centered around online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery. (see Five Guys Burgers) Governor Baker has stated in the past he was worried about long lines, crowded stores, and out-of-state buyers coming into the state to buy cannabis at a time when the state is trying to limit exposure and traveling options. While Baker has recently said that recreational sales of cannabis are still “a non-starter right now”, Keith is optimist that a comprise can be reached and good news will be coming in the not to distant future.
The other newsworthy headlines around Revolutionary Clinics was their legal battles with the city of Cambridge over delivery licenses. Rev Clinics was in line to be one of the first groups awarded delivery options from their Cambridge stores, but a strong backlash from certain members of those supporting the SE and EE applicants in Massachusetts caused the city of Cambridge to say that only SE and EE applicants are eligible for delivery licenses for the first 2 years of the program. Rev Clinics sued the city of Cambridge and won, but then lost in the appeals court. Keith says they are gearing up for round 3, a round in which never needed to happen and has just cost everyone time and money that didn’t need to be wasted. Keith claims there are 60 jobs waiting to be created at Rev Clinics if they are awarded what they feel are just, and legally correct licenses, to their brand. At this point, we are 8 months into the 2-year moratorium and no SE or EE applicants have opened or applied to get open for a delivery license. Rev Clinics is actually helping and supporting some SE and EE applicant through the process so they can get up and running.
Keith also talks about how the pandemic has altered their retail sales, but not in the obvious way, more on the wholesale side, where their grow in Fitchburg, Massachusetts supplies cannabis for a variety of stores and distributors in Massachusetts. With the ordered shutdown of recreational sales in Massachusetts, their wholesale platform has seen sales drop and stagnant as the distributors are shut down right now.
Keith Cooper is a fascinating business study, a native of Watertown, Massachusetts, who then attended Harvard, Keith is on his 7th startup as he describes it, and has always enjoyed the roller coaster life that start-ups are known for taking you on when you decide to join a team.
Big thanks to Keith and Rev Clinics for taking the time to talk to us about starting a marijuana business in Massachusetts, the current state of pandemic rules in the state, as well as being very open and honest about Rev Clinics’ dealings with the city of Cambridge and SE and EE applicants.
To check out Rev Clinics and their menus and operations, you can check out there website here.
Watch the full Weed Talk Now show below, click the YouTube video: