cannabis curing systems automated
cannabis curing systems automated

Cannabis Curing Systems - How to Automate Your Curing Process for the DIY Grower

How to build an automated cannabis curing system so you can just back and wait for your choice bud!

Posted by:
Laurie Lyons on Monday Aug 19, 2024

curing cannabis system automated

Creating an automated curing system for your cannabis can simplify the process and improve the quality of your buds. It's also a rewarding project if you enjoy DIY tasks! Below, we'll explore the benefits and considerations of building an automated curing system and provide a step-by-step guide to making your own.


What Is an Automated Cannabis Curing System?

An automated cannabis curing system is designed to make the process of curing weed easier and more effective. By automatically managing factors like humidity and air circulation (which is why we "burp" jars during curing), these systems help cannabis buds cure evenly. This method reduces the harsh taste of chlorophyll and enhances the delicate flavors of the terpenes in your buds.


An automated curing system removes much of the guesswork for growers who prioritize flavor, leading to more consistent, high-quality results. If you have a large crop to cure, this system can save you from opening dozens or even hundreds of jars daily.  Correctly drying and curing your cannabis can make or break your whole crop.


Advantages of an Automated Curing System

  1. Consistent Quality: Automation minimizes human error, ensuring each bud cures perfectly.

  2. Efficiency: Ideal for those with large harvests, these systems drastically reduce the manual work involved in curing.

  3. Perfect Humidity Control: Automated systems manage humidity and air exchange to maintain ideal curing conditions, reducing the risk of mold or overdrying.

  4. Scalability: Whether you're a hobbyist or a commercial grower, these systems can be adapted to your needs.

  5. More Free Time: You can leave your harvest unattended for a day or two without worrying about it being ruined while you're away.


Choosing the Right Automated Curing System for Your Cannabis

Various automated curing systems are available, from auto-curing jars to advanced curing buckets and automatic burping jars. Each option caters to different needs, so you can find the right solution whether you're curing a small batch or a large harvest. In this guide, we'll focus on curing buckets, as they are simple to make, versatile, and suitable for growers of all sizes.


How Long Does It Take to Cure Cannabis?

The average time to cure cannabis ranges from two weeks to over a month, depending on the strain, desired results, and curing conditions. A shorter cure time might produce less-refined buds, which is acceptable for hobbyist growers who want to enjoy their harvest sooner. However, if you can wait a few extra weeks, your buds will develop more decadent flavors and stronger effects.


Automated curing systems optimize the process by maintaining the perfect humidity levels and ensuring regular air circulation. This makes the cure more consistent and efficient and can reduce the overall curing time by creating ideal conditions from the beginning—a win-win situation! Properly cured cannabis results in a smoother, more flavorful, and potent experience.


Building Your Own Automated Cannabis Curing System

If creating your own curing system sounds exciting, we're here to guide you. Building an automated curing system at home takes time, effort, and the right equipment, so it's best suited for those who enjoy DIY projects. If you don't want hands-on work, you might be better off sticking to manual methods like burping jars by hand.


But if you love the challenge of building something that makes your life easier and stimulates your mind, keep reading. We'll walk you through the steps to create a curing bucket that fits your needs.


The bucket sizes mentioned in the guide should work for most growers, but feel free to adjust the length to suit your harvest. The method provided can be adapted to various bucket sizes.


Equipment Needed

  • 10–20-liter BPA-free bucket: Ensure it has an airtight lid.

  • Check valves: To prevent air backflow.

  • Motorized air pump and digital timer: For controlling air circulation.

  • Silicone tubing (3mm): This connects all components.

  • PVC tubing (16mm): Acts as the primary air conduit.

  • Manifold: To distribute air from the pump to the bucket.

  • Stainless steel hose clamp (13mm to 32mm): For securing connections.

  • Safety pin: This makes small air holes in the tubing.

  • Humidity control packs: To maintain the ideal humidity level (58–62% RH).

  • Drill with 2.8mm drill bit: To create holes in the bucket.


Instructions to Build Your DIY Cannabis Curing System

Step 1: Prepare the Bucket

  • Drill two holes in the bucket: one near the top and one near the bottom. Use the 2.8mm drill bit to ensure the holes are tight enough to seal around the 3mm tubing.

Step 2: Set Up the Hoses

  • Insert the intake hose (connected to the manifold) into the lower hole near the bucket's base.

  • Cut a 15cm piece of the 3mm tubing and insert it as the exhaust hose into the upper hole.

Step 3: Install Check Valves

  • Attach the check valves to the ends of the hoses inside the bucket.

    • For the lower intake hose, attach the larger side of the valve.

    • For the upper exhaust hose, attach the smaller side of the valve.

Step 4: Set Up the Air Distribution Tubing

  • Cut a 1-meter length of the 3mm tubing.

  • Use the safety pin to puncture the tubing evenly every 2.5 to 4cm.

  • Connect this perforated tubing to the check valve at the bottom of the bucket and secure it with a tight knot.

  • Arrange the tubing in a circle around the bucket's base for even air distribution.

Step 5: Connect and Test the System

  • Connect the intake hose to the manifold and open the valve.

  • Attach the manifold to the air pump, securing all connections with the hose clamp.

  • Run a test to ensure airtight connections and proper valve operation. Listen for a hissing sound from the exhaust hose, which indicates correct pressurization.

Step 6: Fill the Bucket and Start Curing

  • Fill the bucket halfway with cannabis, and place a humidity control pack (58–62% RH) on top.

  • Add more cannabis to fill the bucket and top it with another humidity control pack.

  • Secure the lid tightly, start the air pump, and set the timer for 5 minutes every 24 hours. This cycle will maintain the optimal humidity and ensure proper gas exchange, leading to a smooth and effective curing process.





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