marijuana podcasts
marijuana podcasts

Marijuana Podcasts - A Potcast Session to Smoke to!

Will Cannabis Podcasts Take Off Or Fizzle?

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Thursday Jun 7, 2018

Marijuana Podcasts - A Potcast Session to Smoke to!

marijuana podcasts


If you ask most stoners out there, “What podcast do you listen to?” Most of them will mention Joe Rogan or Bill Burr and the likes. While these aren’t stoner podcasts, they do draw a bunch of stoners.


The other day however, while I was just minding my own business on the internet, I came across a stoner “potcast” entitled “The Stoner’s Journey”.


It’s hosted on a bunch of different sites such as PotCastSession, however the guys behind the potcast are Splint & Jay from Smoking Joker. However, understanding that if something has “cannabis in it”, it doesn’t automatically make it good. I took it upon myself to soldier through the 20-30 minute episodes to give you guys some insight about the PotCast [God I love that they call it that!]


Initial Thoughts


Firstly, we have to understand that the potcast is quite new. I think they are on their 4th or 5th episode, as of the time writing this article. This means that there are still a few kinks that I think need to be worked out.


Well, the kinks I thought needed fixing was actually addressed throughout the following episodes. The first episode, I felt like there was a bit too much echo in the recordings. To my surprise, every episode it got better.


The two personalities, Splint & Jay are quite entertaining. They start off each session with a toke and encourage their listeners to join in. After shooting the shit for a few minutes [waiting for the weed to kick in], they dive into their topic.


They encourage listeners to reach out to them on a Stoner Forum. I’ll drop the link here for you to see. Depending on whether they got a question or not, they would either come up with their own topics or focus on an audience generated question for the bulk of the episode.


The Progression of their Journey


So what have they talked about? The first episode talked about the rights of the individual and how cannabis prohibition was a violation of your human rights. They were responding to a listener who asked them about stepping out of the cannabis closet.


Their second episode dealt a bit with the medical applications of cannabis. To my surprise, it wasn’t all like “Cannabis will heal you…period!”


Jay actually pointed out an interesting factor in relation to anxiety disorders and cannabis. He said while cannabis does provide anti-anxiety effects, if you don’t discover the source of your anxiety you can smoke as much cannabis as you’d like without ever fixing the issue.


It dawned on me that while their show is called “A Stoner’s Journey”, it’s not simply ramblings from intoxicated people. They actually have some insight into the world of being a stoner.


With more than 30 years of combined smoking experience, I would think so.


Their third Episode was my favorite. It talked about “The Great Cannabis Conspiracy” and pretty much gave you a rundown from pre-reefer madness to current prohibition, tying in everything from Hearst and Anslinger to Nixon and Raegan. They even spoke about the MK Ultra Experiments. I mean, that’s weed education that takes years to accumulate, delivered in 20+ minutes.


They Provide Music too


Considering that both of them are artists, and working within the cannabis industry, they also provide little “smoke tunes” at the end of their shows. I don’t recall whether they had it in the first episode, however form the second one and on there is always a unique track at the end.


I sat down, and smoked a bowl while listening to them and it was quite pleasant. Their potcast is more about having it in the background. It’s perfect if you have chores to do around the house, smoking a joint and listening to these two talk about everything related to stoners.


It almost feels like you’re at a house party just shooting the shit with a couple of friends. I think that’s the idea they went for.


Is it worth Listening too?


The big question is, should you listen to it?


Well, if you like Podcasts and you like weed, I think this potcast is definitely for you. Seeing that they release it bi-weekly, and currently it’s not on iTunes or Google Play [but I reached out to them and they said they are working towards it], this underground podcast does have a lot of value.


When I mailed them, Jay replied to me and said that in the next episode their going to be talking about “How to Make Money in the Cannabis Industry” specifically focusing on getting jobs even when you’re not living in a cannabis-friendly state.


If you’re interested in that episode, I suggest you check them out this Wednesday. You can follow them on Instagram or on Facebook for the updates.  In the meanwhile, if there are other potcasts you’d like me to check out…shoot me a message here on








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