CBD strains for anxiety
CBD strains for anxiety

The Best High-CBD Strains for Anxiety Sufferers

What High-CBD cannabis strains work well for people with anxiety?

Posted by:
Lemon Knowles on Thursday Jun 20, 2024

cbd strains for anxiety

Even though the world may not accept it, cannabis has been a long-time natural remedy for anxiety. And other medical conditions too, but anxiety first. We live in fast times with stress through the roof, and cannabis strains can help us relieve anxiety perfectly naturally. Why pop pills when you have nature to help? It’s the best way to go, but only if you choose the top high-CBD strains.

The key to relieving anxiety with cannabis is choosing a high-CBD strain. We’ll talk more about the top strains below, but before that, let’s talk more about what CBD is.

What is CBD?

The plant cannabis has two main active compounds. One is CBD or Cannabidol, and the other is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. They are very similar in chemical structure. However, there’s one major difference between CBD and THC.

In short, THC is a psychoactive compound unlike CBD. The THC is the reason for the high cannabis smokers experience. When you’re smoking illegal cannabis (marijuana), the THC causes the high which makes you mellow. You can do that via pipes, a joint, or a Vaporizer-find here the best deals on the latter. However, what many don’t know is that the THC is not necessary to benefit from cannabis’ health properties.

In fact, they’re all provided by Cannabidol or CBD. Some of its benefits are associated with relieving anxiety and paranoia. While paranoia is a medical condition that should be treated by experts, relieving mild anxiety—which most of us suffer from—can be done with CBD strains.

The great news is that these strains are legal throughout Europe. In fact, many CBD shops sell them for cheap prices, allowing you to defeat anxiety without looking over your shoulder, which might worsen your condition even more.

In the paragraphs below, we’ll present the top high-CBD strains you can buy in almost any CBD shop.


Let’s start the list off with a real banger. ACDC—which is probably associated with the high-powered rock’n’roll stars—is a 14% strain for anyone suffering from anxiety. It’s been said to relieve stress and pain too, all without getting stoned. People who have tried it describe its effects like being relaxed and happy, which is what you might need if you’re feeling anxious lately.

There’s no significant amount of THC in ACDC, making it safe to smoke. Roll it up and enjoy a pain and anxiety-free experience like no other.1


The name says it all. Lifter is a 16^ CBD strain with almost all of the THC extracted from it. It’s a relatively new player on the market, but so far, people have praised it a lot. Since the THC is a bit higher than ACDC, you can expect even better relaxing effects. Put some through your grinder and enjoy an anxiety-free day.


Just like with Lifter, Remedy says everything with its name. It’s a 14% CBD strain that can solve a lot of medical problems with almost no THC. With its lemon-pine scent, it has a relaxing effect like no other. Many have reported its effects as mellowing, but without the intense body and head effects of THC strains.

Charlotte’s Web

While it sounds a bit strange, Charlotte’s Web is one of the all-time high-CBD strain favorites. It has 13% CBD with almost no THC. This strain is not just used for smoking. It’s added to a variety of wellness products that aim to help pain, anxiety, and even depression. It has no psychoactive effects, so it’s perfectly safe to use if you’re suffering from anxiety episodes.


Hatle-Tsu is an award-winning high-CBD strain with around 13% of CBD. However, it has proven higher concentration in many tests. In 2014, it won the award for best CBD flower at the Emerald Cup. It may be one of the most complete strains for people looking to relieve anxiety and boost their mood. It can even improve your focus, which would prove useful while working on specific tasks.

Sour Tsunami

With a CBD/THC ratio of 13:1, Sour Tsunami remains a favorite. Users who have tried it have reported mellow effects and feeling happy without the THC body strain. If you’re looking for something effective to relieve your anxiety, it may be the ideal choice. And no, it’s not that sour as the name suggests.

Ringo’s Gift

In no way affiliated with the great Ringo Starr, Ringo’s Gift has 13:1 CBD/THC ratio. However, depending on which shop you’re getting it, you may find it in ratio as high as 20:1. Unlike the other strains on this list, this one’s a cross breed between ACDC and Harle-Tsu. According to people who have tried it, it has a fantastic effect on mood and relieves anxiety better than most strains.

If you’re constantly under stress and nothing helps with your anxiety, this might be the strain to try, especially if you find it in a higher concentration of CBD. Make sure to go with lower amounts of CBD before trying the stronger alternatives.

Suzy Q

While it only has a CBD strenght of around 11%, Suzy Q is still a major favorite on the market. It’s great to calm your stressed mind down, with users reporting easing on tense muscles. That’s a sign of high stress, and since it’s so effective, you might want to take Suzy Q around town.


Elektra has a CBD/THC ratio of 16:1, making it one of the stronger options on this list. It has a pungent smoke for all the cloud lovers out there and a strong aroma. Luckily, it also has a calming effect without the high associated with THC.

Critical Mass

If you’re looking to relieve your anxiety while getting a nice buzz, Critical Mass is the way to go. It has more THC than the others on the list. It’s an excellent pick for anyone that doesn’t enjoy a high THC strength. You’ll get all the benefits of high-CBD strains with a light THC buzz to go with.





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