Does Cannabis Work for the Common Cold?
Does Cannabis Help with the Common Cold and Seasonal Allergies? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.
At least a few times a year, we’re all bogged down by a nasty cold. Sometimes it’s mild with just a runny nose, feeling fatigued, and head cold; but in more extreme cases there’s sinus pain and a sore throat involved too.
Common colds are pretty normal and will rarely lead to anything serious, unless it’s young people or those with immune system disorders that suffer from it. Pop a few pills and you can easily make a cold go away. But for us cannabis lovers, good news: cannabis can help too!
How Cannabis Helps
Colds are caused by viral infections, but cannabidiol (CBD) can help fight the virus thanks to its anti-bacterial properties. Cannabis can also help treat the pain caused by sinus pressure when you’re down with a cold. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help open up clogged sinus passages and make it easier to breathe.
The THC in cannabis can help to treat pain and make it easier to sleep, giving the body an opportunity to rest while healing from the cold. In some cases, the common cold can also lead to migraines or headaches, which cannabis can also help with.
Studies done by Dr. Robert J. Melamede, of University of Colorado’s Biology department, revealed that cannabis actually has a “dampening” effect on immunity which makes it an excellent natural remedy for the common cold. It works in almost the same way as how cannabis helps with treating autoimmune disorders, because its ability to reduce the immune system response helps to prevent the body from overworking. People only suffer from extreme cases of the cold or flu when the immune system is overworked, which is when they can suffer from extreme consequences including organ failures and even death.
“Contemporary antiviral medical technology is currently inadequate to meet the world’s immediate challenges,” he said in a press release. “We believe that cannabis extract-based medicines can reduce influenza deaths.”
Cannabis is a superfood that provides excellent nutrients through natural endocannabinoids released in the body as a natural immune system response. Cannabis can regulate and calm the immune system while preventing it from becoming overactive. It also contains antioxidant properties that prevent you from developing the common cold in the first place. Because of its immune-strengthening properties, it’s no surprise why CBD has become a popular buzzword in the medical community over the past few years. Even hemp is being seen as a valuable supplement that can help prevent the common cold as well as a range of other illnesses that make us more vulnerable during winter months.
Hemp and cannabis oil contain omega 3 fatty acids that are effective in reducing inflammation; these are beneficial in curing a cold while also working to strengthen the overall immune system from contracting viruses.
Consuming Cannabis To Treat A Cold
Common sense will tell you that if your lungs and throat are already congested from mucous linings and feeling irritated, smoking cannabis isn’t the best way to administer the plant. It would also be less efficient since you’re already putting so much strain on these parts of the body that are working to fight off an infection. If you’re suffering from a cold, it’s best to stay away from smoke completely, but the good news is that there are so many other great ways to consume the plant.
Vaporizers and edibles are recommended if you have a cold, since they reduce or eliminate smoke. Use a diffuser, bubbler, or bong; these will give the hot smoke time to cool down before you breathe it in.
Cannabis also works well when combined with other kinds of superfoods such as turmeric for those who would like to boost its anti-inflammatory properties even more. It can be consumed as a tea to sooth symptoms and support the immune system. Cannabis tea can be combined with a host of other natural cold-busters such as lemon, honey, and ginger.
Consuming edibles and tea will provide you with long-lasting relief from the cold. It can also ease you into restful sleep which will help you relax and promote healing from the inside. Cannabis tea can be purchased at many dispensaries but it’s also just as easy to make it yourself at home.
Have you used cannabis to treat a common cold?