cannabis dialysis
cannabis dialysis

How Cannabis Can Treat The 5 Common Side Effects Of Dialysis

Medical Marijuana For Kidney Disease Gets New Research

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Sunday Mar 25, 2018

How Cannabis Can Treat The 5 Common Side Effects Of Dialysis



Dialysis is a procedure that helps individuals with kidney failure regain the organ’s ability to filter blood.


Dialysis is necessary when kidney functions are down to a critical level or complications have already arose due to kidney failure. There are two kinds of dialysis: hemodialysis (the use of a machine and filter to remove waste and water from the blood), and peritoneal dialysis (the use of a fluid called dialysate which is placed in the abdominal cavity to eliminate waste and fluids).


For some patients, dialysis can extend one’s life while for others it gives them time while doctors locate a suitable kidney donor necessary for kidney transplant surgery. Patients have the option of choosing between either kind of dialysis, but no matter which form they choose, they still have to be cautious of their fluid intake, follow a strict diet, take vitamins and other medications to keep blood pressure down and balance calcium and phosphorus levels.


According to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS), the lifespan of dialysis patients is around 8 years for ages 40-44, while it’s 4.5 years for those who are 60-64 years old. There are many variables that affect a dialysis patient’s lifespan such as age, race, quality of dialysis treatment, other existing medical problems, and potassium levels among others.


However, many patients experience serious side effects when undergoing dialysis. Cannabis can be used as complementary therapy when patients undergo dialysis to combat these side effects and improve quality of life.


The common side effects of dialysis include:


Itchy or dry skin: Dialysis patients commonly experience itchy or dry skin especially during the winter. The reason for this is high phosphorus levels. Using topical cannabis and hemp products can naturally alleviate the itchiness and dryness – in fact, it’s widely used to treat skin disorders such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. The dermis of the skin is part of the endocannabinoid system, and topical application of cannabis or hemp products will be beneficial in reducing itchiness and dryness due to dialysis treatments.

Restless leg syndrome: Kidney disease has been linked to restless leg syndrome. It causes patients to involuntarily move their legs due to crawly, prickly sensations created by muscles and leg nerves. In some cases, simply addressing mineral or vitamin deficiencies can resolve restless leg syndrome. However, in extreme cases, cannabis can help. A June 2017 study conducted by French researchers concluded that cannabis is beneficial in providing relief from restless leg syndrome. The participants suffered from a treatment-resistant form of the disease, which means that the condition didn’t improve with the help of traditional or conventional treatments. After they inhaled cannabis, the patients reported “total relief of RLS symptoms as well as complete improvement of sleep quality”.

Low blood pressure: The most common side effect of dialysis is low blood pressure. It’s typically caused by a weak heart and accumulating excess fluid between dialysis sessions. Excess fluid gain can be prevented by drinking a maximum of 32 ounces of water daily, and avoiding food that are high in salt. Cannabis can also assist in supporting healthy heart function throughout dialysis sessions. However, the type of cannabis used, and how much you take plays an important role. Strains that are high in CBD are recommended for patients with a weak heart, since too much THC may increase the pulse rate as well as blood pressure.

Nausea and vomiting: Patients with kidney failure commonly experience nausea and vomiting, especially during dialysis treatment. Cannabis is a safe, natural medicine that can effectively combat nausea and vomiting. Although it isn’t life threatening, nausea and vomiting during dialysis may be debilitating for some patients especially in extreme cases. It can also cause dehydration. Nausea and vomiting is one of the most well-known medicinal benefits of cannabis. Many studies have proven that both THC and CBD, the major cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, are equally effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting.

Muscle cramps: It’s not clearly understood what exactly in dialysis causes muscle cramps – it could be dehydration, medications, or a vitamin/mineral deficiency. Regardless of the cause, it’s an extremely uncomfortable to dialysis patients. Studies show that a combination of THC and CBD is useful in treating muscle cramps and muscle spasms, as well as high CBD strains and products.



Have you used cannabis to help with dialysis? Share your experience with us in the comments below.











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