cannabis and hospice
cannabis and hospice

91% of Hospice Professionals Highly Recommend Cannabis

Hospice Professionals and Grandparents Love Cannabis

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Monday Jun 17, 2019

Hospice Professionals and Grandparents Love Cannabis


Cannabis is no longer a drug for the young – it’s for the young at heart, and it’s no surprise that the elderly as well as those in hospice care give it a big thumbs up.


Views towards cannabis are changing faster than you can say pot, and the fastest-growing segment of users are those that are over 50 years old. Well, why not? As adults reach retirement age, they no longer have to face drug tests and certainly have more leisure time on their hands.


Then there’s also the surge of elegant cannabis products such as luxurious vape pens, and a host of discreet products that have contributed greatly to the destigmatization of cannabis among the elderly. Not to mention the fact that legalizing cannabis just makes people less afraid of it.


But today’s senior cannabis users aren’t anything like your great grandparents. Today’s senior users are wise enough to know that cannabis use doesn’t kill, and in fact it does come with many health benefits – and even those that care for the aged know it to be true.


A recent study shared in The Journal of Palliative Medicine revealed that there is overwhelming support from hospice professionals for using cannabis among patients. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, polled a national sample of 310 nurses and hospice professionals located in 40 states.


They found that 91% of survey participants support the use of cannabis in hospice care, and 90% of them said that they have entertained questions about cannabis use from patients. Meanwhile, 73% have admitted to caring for a patient who has used medical cannabis.  Psychedelics for end of life care is also a new idea the medical community is doing studies on.


“Regardless of legal status, hospice staff overwhelmingly support patient access to MC (medical cannabis). Those who practice in states where MC is not yet legal wish that it was.”


“The consensus of our survey sample is that MC appears to be relatively safe and effective for a variety of conditions and is being used by several routes of administration… Our findings highlight important opportunities to support hospice providers and their patients through education and the development of policies,” they concluded.


Seniors Love Cannabis


Cannabis use greatly contributes to the quality of life among the elderly, as seen in the increasing popularity of pot among grandparents.


A recent survey published in Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine conducted by University of Colorado School and Medicine, which involved polling 274 elderly participants with an average age of 72.5 years, cements this fact. “Past marijuana users reported improved overall health, quality of life, day-to-day functioning, and improvement in pain,” write the authors. They also found that the participants often tended to use cannabis as treatment for arthritis, back pain, depression, and anxiety. Additionally, the elderly participants also admitted to using cannabis in various forms, including topicals and edibles.


“Surveyed older persons aged more than 60 who have legal access to recreational and medical marijuana described multiple patterns of use of marijuana in the past year, and the majority felt that marijuana use had an overall positive impact on their quality of life.


Similar findings are seen in other studies.


Last year, researchers from the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, anonymously surveyed elderly participants who were in two ambulatory geriatric primary care clinics located in Colorado.


They found that 32% of participants said that they started using cannabis after it was legalized, while 16% said that they were already current users. Participants were also more likely to report administering cannabis as a treatment for pain, depression, anxiety, or for appetite stimulation.


“Our survey of ambulatory older adults from Colorado demonstrated that marijuana use in this population was common. Respondents reported using recreational marijuana to target a variety of medical symptoms and conditions with few reported adverse effects. Thus, it is prudent for primary care providers of older adults to inquire specifically about marijuana use before considering prescription changes or additions.”




As more seniors discover the benefits of cannabis, for those in the industry it also presents a lucrative opportunity. There are numerous companies that now cater to the elderly specifically, such as those that manufacture capsules, products with varying ratios of THC and CBD, and many more.


Seniors are right to use cannabis especially when dealing with it as a substitute to harmful and addictive opioids. It also certainly makes life during your golden years much more enjoyable and less painful.








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