Smoking a Joint While The DEA Empire Crumbles
Why the DEA Should Get Out of the Marijuana Business? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.
As I sit here, puffing away at a nice fat joint I reflect on the state of the Drug War. An institution that has survived for over 45 years on the ignorance of the masses is finally coming to an end. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t grasping for straws, however, humanity in general is fed up with the idea of the “Drug War”. And it’s about time too!
The Rise of an Empire
For those of you who do not know how the current state of affairs came to be, allow me to illuminate you with a brief history lesson. Cannabis was “outlawed” (technically) in 1937. Since then, a wealth of negative propaganda against the plant was pushed down the throats of unsuspecting people. It wasn’t until 1971 that the Drug War was declared by Nixon who used it as an excuse to break up anti-war protests and while he was at it, oppress people of African descent just for the lols.
Since then, there have been active mechanisms in play to maintain the narrative that a War on Drugs should exist. People blindly accepted it and ate the entire prohibition cake, not knowing it was filled with rank dog shit.
Along came the 80s with the “Just Say No” mantras and the D.A.R.E mass programming protocols which only escalated the negative effects of drug prohibition.
It wasn’t until the late 90s to the early 2000s that we saw the changing of the tide.
The Changing of the Tide
It’s important to note that during the rise of the prohibitionist empire, drugs became more prevalent than ever. At one point the CIA and those thugs were selling crack to African American communities in order to further advance the ideals of drug prohibition and to have examples of how the drug war is ruining our country.
Nonetheless, in 1997 California took the first stab against the Drug War by legalizing medical marijuana.
The language so loosely written gave Californians a means to access the plant without facing jail time within state borders. Eventually other states caught on and now we have more than 24 States with some sort of medical marijuana programs and a few countries who also joined in.
Now, we’re at 2016 and it seems that support for marijuana is through the roof. Organizations like M.A.P.S are exploring the psychedelic realm in term of expanding human consciousness, treating psychological disorders and much more.
Cannabis as the catalyst that made it possible for researchers to do trials with psilocybin, MDMA, Ketamine and so forth. Once cannabis is fully legalized, we should see the rest of the “prohibited drugs” follow suit in some way or another.
The Falling of an Empire
Now that we are in the majority, people have seen that the lies of prohibition are unsustainable, we will see the beast come down. Despite the fact that Obama recently signed Transnational Drug Trafficking Act, which is a total expansion of the powers of the Drug Enforcement Agency on a global scale, it’s desperate moves before the end.
Society is choking prohibition slowly, watching it flail its arms and fight to stay alive. However, society is no longer the ignorant push over it once was (in some areas) and have realized that the government manipulated them for decades. Once manipulation is discovered, the manipulated party usually resorts in violence. While we’re not seeing a “violent” reaction from the public in general, there is a great disdain for the government as whole. Congress only has about an 8% approval rate and people are quite fed up with their power games.
I’ll continue to smoke my joint and watch this empire crumble, I’ll even write a song or take a bong hit and talk about it. But above all, I’d be extremely happy to see the end sooner than later.