low temperature dabbing
low temperature dabbing

Low Temperature Dabbing - What are the Benefits?

What temperature should you do your dabbing at?

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Thursday Jul 11, 2019

Benefits of Low Temperature Dabbing

low temperature dabbing

Dabbing has gained a reputation for being one of the trendiest ways to get high.


However, some people, even the most enthusiastic cannabis fans, believe that high temperature dabbing may come with side effects. It’s a great, quick, and easy way to get really, really high.


But do you really need to use high temperatures?


Welcome to the world of low-temp dabbing. Also known as cold start or reverse dabbing, using lower temperatures is beneficial for preserving terpenes as well as flavor. It will also give you longer, much smoother hits. You won’t get as high, but the overall experience will be much more pleasurable.


Aside from a better experience, low temperature dabbing is also a good way to preserve your gear. Traditional dabbing with high temperatures lead to residual buildup and can break your gear. Anyone who’s ever dabbed can attest to the fact that borosilicate as well as high quality quartz nails aren’t cheap at all – and they’re fragile, too.


There’s one minor downside with cold or low-temperature dabbing, and this is residue. It can waste concentrates, since this residue should be disposed of. But if flavor and smooth hits are a priority for you, this will work just fine.


Ideal Temperatures For Dabbing


If you want to explore the benefits of low temp dabbing, these are the ideal temperatures for the dabbing surface. Please keep in mind that these don’t apply to the temperature of the electric nail, since this will often be much higher.




Between these temperatures is the sweet spot of dabbing. It will retain terpenes and cannabinoids while allowing you to enjoy awesome flavor. You’ll get a deliciously smooth hit that isn’t hard on the lungs, and you’ll also get all the health benefits of terpenes.




This is considered a medium temperature dab; for many, it’s a great middle ground if you want both intensity and flavor. This temperature results in combustion and vaporization, so you inhale both vapor and smoke. It may be a bit harder on the lungs so don’t be surprised if you cough a little.


Anything higher than 600F are high temp dabs, resulting in combustion and an extremely hot nail. You’ll get a thick, dense smoke; it will also have some vapor though not much. If you dab at these high temperatures, you only end up burning the dab instead of flash-vaporizing. Don’t expect much flavor either; your dab will most likely come out harsh, bitter, and burnt.


You will get sky high, but it won’t be smooth at all.


These same temperatures will also apply to vaporizer pens. That’s why many new pens in the market already come with adjustable heat settings. A major benefit of using vape pens is that it allows more precise temperature changes in increments, so you get to experiment with various settings to find the temperature that’s perfect for you.


Here are some common terpenes found in cannabis, and their boiling points:


  • Pinene: 311F
  • Linalool: 388F
  • Caryophyllene: 320F
  • Humulene: 388F
  • Limonene: 349F
  • Myrcene: 334F


All terpenes are unique in their health benefits and the flavor produced, but they also have their own corresponding boiling points to which they are sensitive to. And when you dab with high temperatures, all these benefits are lost.



How To Reverse Dab


To do this properly, you will need a nail but bangers are preferred. Bangers are designed to look like a bucket, which distributes heat more efficiently.


When you’ve got all your dab gear in place, place the concentrate on the nail or banger. Make sure that the nail is clean since you don’t want to burn residue from previous dabbing sessions. Next, apply the bubble cap or carb to the nail, light the torch, and then heat the area underneath the nail with flame that is a couple of inches away.


The goal here is to increase the heat to a level that induces bubbling of the concentrate, after which it will turn into a vapor. This should only take a few seconds.


Once this happens, decrease the power of the flame, create convection by rotating the cap, then inhale.


You might be surprised by how much flavor you’ll get out of your hit.  











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