drying cannabis in a paper bag
drying cannabis in a paper bag

How to Dry Cannabis in a Paper Bag – Is it a Legit Technique?

At the end of the growing process, drying cannabis in a paper bag can be a game-changer.

Posted by:
Lemon Knowles on Wednesday Dec 16, 2020

When and How to Dry Cannabis in a Paper Bag – Is it a Legit Technique?

cannabis in a paper bag

You may have heard many growers talking about curing and drying cannabis in a paper bag. The question is, does it really work, and if so, is it recommended? The answer is yes! Let’s take a closer look at how to dry cannabis in a paper bag and the advantages of this process.


Many growers overlook it, but drying and curing your cannabis buds is a crucial step to ensuring an optimal final product. Whether you’re a novice grower or an experienced one, you know how much effort and attention growing marijuana demands. By drying and curing cannabis correctly, the hard work you put into your grow will not go to waste. If you use them correctly, there are several reasons why paper bags can come in handy at the end of the drying process.


Why Drying and Curing Matters for Great Buds


The drying and curing process is essential for creating a high-quality final product. Drying means to essentially remove the moisture from the plant. It also means removing the chlorophyll, which if left, can cause the nugs to smell musty. Improperly dried or cured buds will make you cough when smoking. The longer the cannabis buds are cured, the more this pungent smell will vanish, resulting in more terpenes.


Curing removes the chlorophyll and consumes the sugars and minerals present, making the buds better for smoking. Curing your cannabis in a dark, cool place will ensure the terpenes won’t degrade. Using a paper bag can also help you control the moisture, so they’re not too dry and not too damp. If the drying and curing process is well done, your cannabis will last longer, and you can even experiment with longer curing methods.


How to Properly Dry Your Cannabis Plants


There are numerous methods for drying cannabis, and your choice should depend on the amount of room you have, as well as the weather conditions. If you live in a dry area, it’s essential to slow down this process, so you don’t end up losing terpenes or cannabinoids. Drying your cannabis buds is crucial if you are going to store them for extended periods, and doing it slowly is the secret to having high terpene content.


Your goal should be to make the plant dry as slowly as possible in an environment that is free of mildew or mold. Before harvesting your buds, flush the soil and wait for a day or two until it’s dry to cut the branches off. This is one of the top cannabis growing tips and tricks you can follow. Then cut and hang the entire plant in a rope if you have enough room, or cut the larger branches and put them on hangers. At this point, you can trim the larger leaves so only the buds remain.


The temperature of your drying room should be around 60 to 70ºF (15 to 21ºC) and the humidity between 45 to 55%. It is crucial to keep your cannabis plants away from the light because it can decrease the THC levels. This process can take between three days to ten days. However, don’t worry if you don’t have the perfect conditions, because that’s when the paper bags will help you immensely.


How to Dry Cannabis in a Paper Bag and Achieve Awesome Buds


Using paper bags at the end of the drying process helps slow things down and ensures nice, smooth nugs. But when exactly should you start drying cannabis in a paper bag? Once the little stems connected to the buds are dry, and you can snap them, they are ready. The environment created by the paper bags helps the moisture present in the buds evaporate evenly.


You don’t need to worry about trimming your buds correctly at this point. You can have smaller branches with a couple of buds that could fit loosely into the bags. Make sure you choose a thick brown paper bag, but not a waxed or glossy one. Once you place the buds inside the bag, even if they’re full of moisture In the center, the environment will distribute and evaporate it evenly. Follow this technique and your buds will not end up too dry that they crumble when you touch them, nor too damp that mold or mildew grows.


When the nugs reach a good point in terms of moisture, you can place the paper bags inside a black plastic bag and close it tight to stop drying. If your environment makes the drying go too fast, this process can help slow it down. Curing cannabis in paper bags should only be done for the first couple of weeks. This is because the bag is made of breathable material, so the buds will continue to slowly dry until taken out. No one wants to have completely dried, crumbling nugs after a couple of months.


Curing Cannabis in Paper Bags – Only For a Couple of Weeks


After two weeks, you can either smoke your buds or loosely place them in airtight mason jars. At this point, you can carefully trim the rest of the leaves that have no trichomes. If your nugs are well dried, you can keep them for months in the mason jar, and they will keep curing.


Some enthusiasts believe that leaving cannabis to cure for more extended periods can give you a fantastic experience when smoking them. This is due to the high terpene content, which can lead to full and interesting aromas. On the other hand, potency may decrease slightly, so you should experiment with the perfect ratio of flavor and strength.


So Is Drying Cannabis in Paper Bags Legit?


In short, yes, drying cannabis in a paper bag is a legit technique used by many experienced and commercial growers. However, you should only do it at the end of the drying process, right before you start curing your buds. Of course, curing is not a mandatory process, but it will help you experience a smooth smoke full of powerful aromas.








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