does weed make you horny
does weed make you horny

Does Weed Make You Horny? Asking for a Friend, Kind of, Maybe.

Is cannabis an aphrodisiac or is it more about feeling relaxed and less stressed?

Posted by:
Chiara C on Wednesday Jun 29, 2022

does weed make you horny

Throughout history, men and women have sought out foods, drinks, drugs, and supplements to increase their sexual desires and instincts. Regardless of sex, age, culture, race, or ethnicity, aphrodisiacs have been around since the beginning of time. Everyone wants to have good sex; in fact, everyone deserves the best sex!


Some of the go-to foods which act as perfect catalysts to put anyone in the mood include chili, curries, oysters, cocoa, and every other food item that resembles sexual organs. Recently, food scientists have begun to look into the possibility of cannabis being a perfect aphrodisiac. Cannabis is now widely affordable and accessible to all. Imagine the ease and joy everyone would feel if it turned out to be a catalyst for sexual appetite.  Marijuana-infused sex products are now a real thing, too!


Weed Aphrodisiac Research

For decades, we've heard and read anecdotal reports from cannabis consumers on how weed helped them get their sex desires out and whet their sexual appetite. Throughout this entire time, many people wondered how accurate these claims were.


To discover if there's any truth to these words or whether weed could make a cannabis user horny or in the mood for sex, a number of studies have focused on researching them. The results obtained from many of these studies have been everywhere on the map. In 2017, a survey of weed's effect as an aphrodisiac was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. This report observed a large population with an average age of 29 years-old for their sexual reactions after using cannabis. The conclusion of this study claimed that marijuana use is independently associated with an improved sexual desire. It also noted that it did not impair sexual functions in the observed cohort.


It is important to note that the extent of research done to study weed as an aphrodisiac is still limited. To gain more accurate information on the effects of cannabis consumption on sexual function, there are still many grounds to cover. Sure we've already established that there's truly a positive association between cannabis use and sexual desires in both sexes, but still, there's a need to know the exact effects and how they're induced.


Canadian study centers have the most studies on weed aphrodisiacs. Between 2003 and 2008, a couple of studies were conducted.


The first in 2003 consisted of 104 adult volunteers within Toronto.  The researchers asked each volunteer what weed did to their libido after consumption. Thirty-five of them said that it always seldom increases their libido, while one-third reported that weed always boosted their libido, and the rest said it only worked that way sometimes. When asked if it made sex more enjoyable for them, fifty percent said it did, while the other half reported that it didn't.


In 2008, another research observed 41 adults and asked if cannabis made sex more pleasurable by increasing their sensitivity to touch and enhancing their libido. The results were split right in the middle, half saying their erotic pleasures were boosted by the weed, while the other half debunked the claims.


To reiterate, the studies on this subject are not rigorous. However, it's safe to say that weed makes at least half of all cannabis consumers horny.


Lawrence Siegel, a sex therapist, said that Delta-9 boosts female sexual libido. The cannabinoid not only gets the female high but also targets a part of her brain that controls sexual arousal. According to CNN, a cannabis founder claims that humans have a natural endocannabinoid system that ensures pain, relaxation, pleasure, and homeostasis are regulated. Hence when cannabis strains for sex is consumed, all these elements are controlled to improve sexual arousal and make sex pleasurable.


Cannabis and Sex

You're probably wondering what strains are best to make you horny; none of the published studies have revealed this. However, while going through anecdotal reports, we observed that a few sexy marijuana strains popped up repeatedly. These strains include indica-dominant Birthday Cake for heightened body sensations, L.A Confidential filled with linalool terpene for calm nerves, Sativa-dominant Trainwreck to get into a sexy mental place, and the Skywalker OG to calm anxiety.


Whether or not sex is better with weed depends on the users and the dose. Cannabis users react to cannabis differently. Many say that it makes their sex better by making them more sensitive to their partner or toy's touch. With the correct dose of cannabis, a better pathway could be created for more intimacy during foreplay, the main sexual act, and the orgasm itself. Weed tries to make the lovers as comfortable as possible to enjoy their pleasurable sexual session.


About 40 years ago, a mouse study to observe the effects of THC doses reported that the mice showed a heightened increase in testosterone levels after receiving large doses of THC. However, the testosterone levels went back to normal within 30 minutes. Recently, it was also observed that females with pelvic pain due to conditions like endometriosis often enjoy a more positive sexual experience after using cannabis.


The link between Cannabis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Research posits that daily consumption of weed out consumers at a high risk of developing sexually transmitted conditions. However, this research was poorly conducted, as it inaccurately described an arbitrary connection between cannabis consumption and the number of sexual partners.


Thankfully, the world has gone past the age of shaming men or women for their sexual preferences and numbers of sexual partners. The acceptable fact remains that the more sexual partners a person has, the more predisposed they are to sexually transmitted infections.


Novice cannabis users are always advised to experiment in safe environments and with trusted partners.


Bottom Line

Not every person in the world would react to a particular substance similarly. Be it cannabis, alcohol, or offer substances, everyone has a different reaction. If you find sex nerve-racking or anxiety-inducing, you could try using weed as an aphrodisiac to help remove the anxiety and improve sensitivity. You may be among the lucky ones to have their sex lives enhanced by cannabis or not. If it doesn't, Sexologist Nick Karras advises that you research and find out the strain that works best for you or your partner.








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