get high in Canada
get high in Canada

Best Places to Get High This Summer In Canada

Here are some recommendations for smoking up in Canada this Summer

Posted by:
christalcann on Wednesday Jul 18, 2018

Best Places to Get High This Summer In Canada

Best Places to Get High This Summer in Canada? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


Canada has made a big name for itself in its open and upfront handling of cannabis and cannabis products. Unlike other countries, Canada has shown a progressive mindsight regarding the use of medicinal cannabis. With recreational use of marijuana set to become legal across Canada imminently, we feel it’s time to start looking for the best places across the country to get the best possible high. Whether you’re staying at home or heading off on vacation, legal weed means that your options are open and there are plenty of new and exciting places where you can enjoy the good stuff. So, pack your trusty dab pen or dry herb vaporizer and let’s go!



Toronto is already one of the best places for dispensaries that have already popped up all over the city. Even better, Toronto boasts some impressive backdrops to your high. Best avoided during the day because of all the kids who come here, Sugar Beach really comes into its own as a fantastic spot in the evening. Relax on one of the Muskoka chairs facing the lake and really chill out with your favourite bong, or how about Riverdale Park – it may be just a stone’s throw to downtown, but it feels a world away as you lie back and admire the skyscrapers. If you’d like to get you're your vaporizer surrounded by good company, the Hot Box Café’s patio at Kensington Market is as good a place as any, while if you’re thinking of combining a little exercise with your high, The Yoga House could be ideal for you. Yoga and cannabis, now there's a combination.



Most Vancouvrites would probably say that Wreck Beach is their favourite spot to get high, but if you’re looking for something more scenic, why not head to Charleson Park during the summer months or English Bay? Other excellent spots include the waterfront at Granville Island and, for those who are looking for something a bit more traditional, the New Amsterdam Café which has long held a reputation for being the top cannabis-using venue in the city. All I know is that you would be mad not to try out these areas at least once.



If you’re on the French speaking side, Montreal has no shortage of great weed vaping spots. The Parc des Ameriques or the Peace Park are just two of the most popular destinations in the city for those who want to light up and enjoy the wonderful ambience. Or for seclusion with a host of snacking opportunities to stave off the munchies, the Jean Talon Market could be the perfect place. Or maybe you’d like to admire the view from the Mont Royal Observatory, getting high in both senses. If you’re around on a Sunday and feel like enjoying a vibrant social scene, Tam Tams at Parc Mont Royal is the place to go to be around other like-minded people and a cool party atmosphere. Montreal is a must visit for those who love nothing more than eating as much as they smoke.



With Nova Scotia having the most marijuana users per head in the country, and almost 15% of all residents admitting to smoking weed during the last year, it’s no wonder that Halifax has some great places to get high. Halifax Common and Point Pleasant Park are two of the best places to head to when you really want to relax and get away from it all. With so many residents admitting to using marijuana, you won't have to feel like you're being judged, and why should you?



Those who say it doesn't matter where you get high, well look away now as your simply wrong. The area you surround yourself in when smoking, eating, vaping your luscious green herb can elevate your experience to a whole other level. Think about it, what's better, getting high in a public restroom, or on top of a mountain with the best view you've ever seen. Okay, that’s a slightly bias comparison, you might really enjoy public restrooms and for that I apologise. However, next time your planning your herb session, consider first where you're going to go. Canada offers a whole host of great green friendly environments, where you can go and enjoy in comfort. The days of having to be discreet and hide your passion for cannabis is well and truly over when it comes to Canada. It's time to embrace the change and get high in new places.

So, there you have it – some of the best places in Canada to get high this summer – grab your trusty dry herb vaporizer and go enjoy yourself!

Best Places to Get High This Summer In Canada from CannabisNet on Vimeo.








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