cannabis to stay focused
cannabis to stay focused

5 Strains To Keep You Super Productive

Cannabis To Stay Focused Is A Booming Trend

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Tuesday Mar 7, 2017

Top 5 Strains For Productivity

Cannabis Strains that Help You Focus and Get Productive from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


When people think of pot, there’s still that stereotype of the lazy, sleepy stoner attached to it.  People don’t that the right strain of pot can actually make you more productive, even creative! Certain cannabis strains are proven effective for increasing focus and concentration, making them the ideal daytime smoke especially if you want to get a lot of work done.


Not all strains are created equal, and you definitely shouldn’t be choosing indica-dominant strains. Indica strains are known for their relaxing properties, which are better off being used in the evenings, before bed, or after work. Sativa-dominant strains are recommended for those who want to increase their productivity.

Without further ado, here are the top 5 strains you can use to increase productivity:

jack herer

  • Jack Herer is one of the most potent strains if you are looking for a clear-headed feeling that’s also blissful and helps you focus. Jack Herer has a delicious pine/woody aroma and wonderful Earthy taste – perfect for wake and bake right before you head to the office. This strain will make being at work more bearable especially if you have to work in one of those stiff corporate-type offices, plus no one will even suspect you’re high because you’ll be uber productive!  Jack Herer is a favorite among creative types and professionals who benefit from that extra kick that only cannabis can give. This is an ideal strain if you tend to space out at work because of difficulty focusing.



haze strain

  • Haze is an extremely popular sativa strain for productivity, and it’s no wonder why: Haze has bright citrus undertones and spicy notes and works well to combat depression during the day. Smoking haze gives a sense of energy and euphoria, perfect for battling fatigue and stress if you need to accomplish a lot during the work week. Haze is a great strain if you need to churn out several articles a day or need to brainstorm in the office. Haze is a parent strain and has spawned several dozen hybrids that are also widely used today.



blue dream

  • Blue Dream has a sweet berry aroma and taste, but it is also a well-loved strain for its gentle cerebral stimulating properties.  Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid, the love child of Haze (sativa) and Blueberry (indica). Blue Dream can ease you into a state of euphoria although depending on the strain you get, some have stronger indica-like properties but its sativa effects will still power through. Blue Dream is a great choice for medicating during the day and for encouraging you to get more done especially if you need relief from depression and pain. Blue Dream is recommended for those who work in high-stress office environments as it will help you chill out while in the confines of your office, or if you need a little help dealing with an annoying coworker.



super sour diesel

  • Super Sour Diesel is a potent sativa, thanks to its parents strains Sour Diesel and Super Silver Haze. Super Sour Diesel gives a strong head high, perfect for those struggling to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. This strain is loved for being one of the best daytime strains and it will help you stay awake, you might not even need coffee anymore after having a few puffs of this beauty. Super Sour Diesel is also effective in combating fatigue, anxiety, and stress; so if you’re suffering from those but need to work, this is definitely the strain for you. Just make sure that you don’t smoke too much of it, because some users report that it can give off a headache.



strawberry cough

  • Strawberry Cough has a hint of strawberry combined with earthy pine tones of Sour Diesel. Users love this strain because it invokes euphoric and happy feelings, relaxes the mind, and improves concentration. Strawberry Cough is an energy-giving strain so if you’re looking for a little something to help get you out of bed and start work, try it out. Strawberry Cough is also effective in coping with stress and fear, while making it easier for users to communicate their thoughts. If you’re working on a presentation or need to write, this strain might just do the trick for you.


What are your favorite strains for productivity? Share with us in the comments below!








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