cannabis for metabolic syndrome
cannabis for metabolic syndrome

Cannabis Strains For Metabolic Syndrome

What Marijuana Strains Should You Try With Metabolic Syndrome

Posted by:
Lemon Knowles on Tuesday Jul 31, 2018

Cannabis Strains For Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of metabolic risk factors found in an individual. Also called syndrome X, these risk factors include: high blood pressure/hypertension, increased risk for blood clotting, insulin resistance, and cholesterol abnormalities.


Overweight or obese individuals are more prone to suffering from metabolic syndrome. This is why there is such a strong correlation among individuals who have metabolic syndrome and heart disease. This condition in itself also places the individual at higher risk for type 2 diabetes, due to the reduced ability of cells to properly respond to insulin.


According to statistics, there are 47 million Americans living with metabolic syndrome. While it isn’t a specific disease, having metabolic syndrome significantly increases the risk for serious and debilitating conditions such as diabetes, heart attacks, and stroke.


However, cannabis use has been found to reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. In a 2015 study, researchers at the University of Miami discovered that cannabis consumers have as much as half the risk for metabolic syndrome compared to individuals who don’t smoke. They assessed data from 8,500 participants, which revealed that 13.8% of current cannabis users, and 17.5% of past cannabis users had metabolic syndrome. A shocking 19.5% of people who never used cannabis also had metabolic syndrome. The researchers concluded that there was a 54% reduced risk in developing metabolic syndrome among cannabis users.

This adds to a small but growing body of evidence supporting cannabis as preventive medicine for this condition.


If you are at risk for developing metabolic syndrome, here are some great strains to help prevent and manage this condition:


harlequin cannabis strain

  1. Harlequin is one of the most popular medicinal strains out there, loved for its high CBD content. The absence of any high from smoking this strain makes it ideal for individuals who need medicine that keeps them productive and motivated, while promoting health from within. In some cases, if you’re lucky, you may come across a strain of Harlequin that tests at 7% CBD and 7% THC. This 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC makes it exceptional in terms of medicinal benefits for a wide range of ailments, including those that are associated with metabolic syndrome.

skywalker cannabis

  1. Skywalker is highly recommended for individuals who are prone to stress, pain, and hypertension or high blood pressure. If you are in a stressful situation in or out of work, which tends to make your blood pressure jack up, a few puffs of this strain will melt the stress away and lull you into a peaceful slumber. It also has a delicious, fruity aroma that tastes like blueberries but it has potent medicinal benefits for metabolic syndrome. Skywalker is also helpful for depression and nausea.

golden goat strain

  1. Golden Goat is a hybrid known for its special lineage. This is one of the most in-demand cannabis strains, thanks to its royal heritage of Sweet Skunk and Romulan; two equally powerful forces when it comes to medicinal benefits of cannabis. Golden Goat has potent THC levels, sometimes reaching over 23%, but this strain is effective in knocking out fatigue, depression, pain, stress, and nausea. As a bonus, this strain isn’t one of those that will induce the munchies, which is ideal for patients with diabetes.

silver haze

  1. Silver Haze is a strain that takes its name from the crystalline trichome that covers its buds, which ensure that it packs a punch in terms of flavor and therapeutic benefits. Patients love the mint-tinged and piney flavor, but the fact that it’s a 50-50 hybrid makes Silver Haze an essential in anyone’s medicine cabinet. Silver haze is recommended for patients who want to stay upbeat, uplifted, and euphoric. This strain is useful for treating pain, stress, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.

charolettes web strain

  1. Charlotte’s Web is a classic strain that has been tried and tested for a variety of illnesses. Although it’s famous for treating epilepsy, that’s not where its medicinal prowess stops. Charlotte’s Web has a high CBD percentage, which means that you won’t get high but it’s highly recommended for patients prone to anxiety, stress, pain, and so much more. You can’t go wrong using Charlotte’s Web for metabolic syndrome, no matter which risk factor you are prone to.

What strains have you used for metabolic syndrome? Share your experience with us in the comments below!


Marijuana Strains For Metabolic Syndrome from CannabisNet on Vimeo.








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