cannabis skin creams recipes
cannabis skin creams recipes

How To Make Homemade Cannabis Skin Cream and Lotions

Treating Skin Diseases with Topical Cannabis Creams and Lotions

Posted by:
Reginald Reefer on Sunday Feb 12, 2017

Treating Skin Diseases with Topical Cannabis Creams and Lotions

Do Cannabis Creams and Lotions Really Work? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.

Not many people know this, but our skin weighs around 8 kilograms and is one of our largest organs. It protects other vital organs like bones, ligaments, muscles and more and can absorb whatever is put on it , and at the same time it expel waste particles. The most important function of the skin is to protect the body from chemical, biological or mechanical attacks.

It also regulates body temperature by sweating or dissipating heat, and protects the body against cold and excessive water loss. Even so, many people don’t pay a second thought to their skin and many suffer from a vast array of skin diseases.

What is the cause of skin diseases?

Many of us, especially in winter, know what it is to struggle with dry skin. Apart from the fact that it is uncomfortable, it also hurts a lot. But what is the cause of skin diseases? Chronic skin diseases like Eczema or Psoriasis could be because of a genetic disorder, or lifestyle and the environment could contribute to it.  Some medication could also contribute to it.

Common skin conditions often are caused by stress, poor health habits, obesity, alcohol and smoking to name a few. Other causes could be dust or mite allergies, or an allergic reaction to animals or plants.

Symptoms could vary from itchiness and dry skin to red skin and blisters and even lesions in severe cases. Psoriasis and Eczema both create an atypical immune response and Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease while Eczema responds to external allergens.


How does Cannabis help these skin conditions?

The CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors are present in the skin. The CB1 receptors are found on nerves that run throughout the skin. Studies have proved that human skin cells have the ability to bind and metabolize Anandamide (AEA). Exactly how it works is still unclear, but it is found in large and small nerve fibers.

Recent studies show that the skin has an endocannabinoid system of itself where it helps to regulate the production of various hormones and proteins. It is just natural to conclude then that an imbalance of this organ will lead to skin disorders.

Cannabinoids level allergic responses out. In a study on mice, those lacking cannabinoid receptors, more swelling and recruitment of immune cells were experienced. Also when the CB2 receptors were blocked, there was an increase in inflammation. Cannabis can be used in a topical application and as the skin absorbs the cannabinoids, especially CBD and THC, it reduces pain.

Skin diseases do very well with topical applications that contain cannabis. It gets applied to the desired area and has an immediate effect without any side effects like feeling high. Even skin infections are reported to do well. As a topical ointment it even reduced headaches and migraine.


Different Cannabis Topical Ointments

Topical Cannabis Rubbing Alcohol

Use a pint size pot and fill it 25% with ground cannabis. It should be 1 part Cannabis and 2 – 3 parts rubbing alcohol to work the best. Let it stand between 2 to 4 weeks in a cool dry place where it get shaken every now- and –again. Strain though a cheese cloth or a few coffee filters and store in a dark bottle.

Topical Cannabis Rubbing Oil

Use dry ground cannabis and cover it with oil like hemp or olive oil. All plant material should be covered. Let is stand in a dry place for 3 weeks where it has to be shaken daily. Filter through a sieve.


Topical Cannabis Lotion

Use dry ground cannabis and heat it in a crockpot for an hour or more. Use oil like olive oil or coconut oil. Store in a jar for 2 to 3 months. Filter through a cheese cloth and reheat with beeswax to form a thicker ointment. Use aloe Vera gel to make it into a lotion.


Topical Cannabis Salve

Use 1 cup of cannabis infused oil and add a 1/3 cup of beeswax to it. Beeswax makes the salve non-greasy. Add a ¼ cup of organic olive oil to make it smoother.  Essential oils of preference can also be added.  Heat it up in a pan and test to see if desired thickness is a reached by letting a spoonful rest for a while. Whisk occasionally until beeswax is melted. Pour into mixing bowl and let it cool down until partially solidified. Whip for a minute and pour into containers ready to use. Note: Beeswax can be exchanged by using shea or cocoa butter.

These above mentioned cannabis topical treatments are meant as a guide to help you find the best way to treat the skin problem you are suffering from.

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