Get High or Drunk
Get High or Drunk

What Is Better, Getting High or Getting Drunk?

Getting High or Getting Drunk, Which One Do You Prefer?

Posted by:
Oaktree on Monday Mar 7, 2016

Getting High vs. Getting Drunk

Why Cannabis is Better Than Alcohol - Getting High or Getting Drunk? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


There seems to be a never-ending debate about which is better - marijuana or alcohol. Read on below to learn why lighting a bowl is better for you. Juggling 2 jobs in a city that is infested with terrible traffic means that I’m perpetually looking for ways that I can unwind. For me this means one of two things: light up a bowl or have some alcohol, usually in the form of wine or beer. These are the two sedatives that I always turn to at least thrice a week to help me relax and forget about the stresses of life. And also, to sleep better. I’ve experienced both in extremely high amounts often enough to conclude that I’ll always choose herb over alcohol, no matter how much I love me a good bottle of wine. 


Here’s why:



No Hangovers!


Toking up on nights where I have work the following day is always so much better, because weed never gives you those nasty hangovers, particularly the notorious “sauvignon-blah” type headaches that wine often does because of its acidic nature. You can smoke a moderate amount and still be able to function as needed at work the next day. If I smoke a lot the worst that can happen is that I’ll need more sleep, but then coffee always does the trick anyway. Plus my brain can work just fine after a night of toking, whereas a hungover brain makes me feel incapable of doing absolutely anything! In fact, the THC content in weed has been shown to prevent the accumulation of amyloid-beta peptides in your  brain, the culprit that causes Alzheimer’s.



More Self Control


Even if I’m high, I still have a pretty good handle on what I’m doing. I can control how much I eat and basically make decisions that I won’t regret the next day. Whereas with booze, I love my wine but the damn bastard has betrayed me one too many times because I’ve suddenly blacked out and had missing chapters from the night before. These cringe-worthy moments sometimes involve me embarrassing myself, and this is not something that happens when I smoke pot. In fact, when I’m stoned, I tend to appreciate my surroundings more and participate in more meaningful conversations when high rather than when I’m drunk or tipsy. Consuming alcohol has caused me to make poor, risky decisions in the past, and there’s probably nothing worse than being at work with a major hangover and reeling from the previous night’s mistakes!



Marijuana Is Healthier


While a glass of red wine a night can be good for your heart, let’s be honest: people like me never stop with just one glass of red. I need at least 3 glasses to reach the same kind of relaxed state that two or three good puffs will give me. Pot is just healthier on so many levels:


 Wine contains around 83 calories per glass, whereas if you smoke weed there are no calories at all to be worried about. If you’re concerned about weight gain, just steer clear of edibles, which usually come in baked form because you’ll just be consuming an unnecessary amount of sugar that you don’t need. 


Cannabis has been treated to prevent and treat cancer, whereas alcohol is a carcinogenic. Alcohol consumption has been linked to several kinds of cancers such as liver, head, neck, and breast. 


 Red wine can help to reduce blood pressure, but other than that alcohol never really had any health benefits. Drinking a lot of wine can contribute to liver and brain damage, and a host of other illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. On the other hand, weed has a long list of medicinal uses that have been proven to benefit us since ancient times.


Booze can contribute to depression, but dope can help treat it. Studies have shown that suicide and incidences of self-harm are more common in individuals who drink a lot of alcohol However, tokers are just generally happier, right?


A fatal overdose is nearly impossible with marijuana, but alcohol poisoning is a very real thing. Besides, you don’t need large amounts of grass to enjoy its relaxing benefits. 



Pot Is Cheaper (Than Booze And A Shrink)


Weed is definitely much more affordable and a less inexpensive way to help you get your shit sorted out. I spend roughly $30 a month on my supply, and that’s so much cheaper than paying $10 for a single cocktail on a night out. And let’s not even get started on how much a shrink costs. Cannabis has many emotional and mental benefits, such as its ability to reduce insomnia, anxiety, depression, and pain. There’s no way I’d ever shell out money for prescription pills, doctors’ fees, or pricey drinks at a bar when I can safely enjoy all these benefits with just a few bowl loads.


With that said, let’s get toking, friends.


Do you agree that pot is better than booze? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.






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