Cannabis Body
Cannabis Body

Marijuana Body Makeover Before And After

How Cannabis Can Super Charge Your Workout

Posted by:
Oaktree on Sunday Jun 12, 2016

How do you start a blog?!

The Cannabis Body Makeover - How Marijuana Helps You Shape Up and Lose Weight from CannabisNet on Vimeo.


Boom, just started it!


I'm Sasha, 28, living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts currently. I have been quite the gypsy moving all around, having different types of jobs ranging from being a chiropractic assistant to waiting tables. I have learned many things and the most important discoveries of mine I want to share with the world. Over the past five years I have found that an amazing and healthy lifestyle can be achieved while combining a balance of marijuana and exercise. I am doing all I can to help my fellow smokers/edible lovers/dabbers have an easier time being healthy!



before body picture no diet


My journey began when I started "the shot" for birth control. I am 5 feet 2 inches tall and generally weigh around 105 lbs (my weight fluctuates as I bloat from gluten). After the first six months on "the shot" I had gained FORTY POUNDS. I had no motivation to exercise, I was not eating healthy and I was hungry all the time. My friends and I went on hikes after smoking sometimes but I rarely pushed myself. I began to hate my body and the hate spread throughout my life. I did not like who I was or who I was becoming... I knew I had to change. I quit getting "the shot", I decided to start loving myself and create a life an body that I love.


The first time I worked out I did too much (of course) and dreaded the upcoming days. I have never been able to afford a gym membership consistently so I started with Pilates at home. With Pilates you use your own body weight so no equipment is really required for beginners other than a mat.The next morning I was sore and miserable. After my wake and bake I thought, "If I work out high maybe it wont be as bad?..." and it wasn't!


I found after smoked I was able to push myself, focus better and I was excited to exercise because I "got to" smoke first! Since I was working out from home I felt comfortable and it was in my budget! I watched (and still do) a ton of YouTube videos on easy at home work outs and have used pieces of each to tailor work outs for my body goals. I began to try to eat as "raw" as possible. If I couldn't pronounce it I wasn't going to eat it. I also cut down soda from 2-5 per day to 0-2 per week and replaced it with teas, juices and water. Diet is the most difficult to stick to but there are so many fun, cheap and healthy alternatives that you do not have to treat your body as a garbage dump anymore! I still have a cheat meal when I feel like one and if I HAVE TO HAVE cookies at 2 amthen I do, but I try to have 4 cookies instead of the entire package.


I have continued stoned Pilates and the healthy eating and had gotten my weight back down to 105 pounds. I am currently trying to gain muscle on a plant based diet. I strongly believe in Mother Nature and that each living soul matters. I have struggled with Veganism my entire life as I was brought up in a mostly "meat and potatoes" home. It has been challenging as well as fun to find new plant based proteins! Adding all the vegetables to my diet as well as a few supplements have cleared up my skin as well, which being an adult cystic acne sufferer is a big deal! I do still get the occasional break out from stress or using bad skin products but significantly better!


after body picture with cannabis


I have added isometrics, resistance bands, weights and as much outdoor exercise as I can get in my life. Instead of watching TV if I have an extra half hour in my day I try to throw my mat out for an stretch session. I love gardening, walking, even parking extra far away in the parking lot of the grocery store or taking the stairs - it all adds up. Be patient and kind to yourself, if you expect positive changes from your body you must produce positive thoughts. If I am having an especially rough day I look up positive affirmations on the internet. I try to be open to all the good things the universe has to offer and not focus on the negative.


"Stoner Fitness" as I like to call it is on the rise! Even if you just get stoned and dance or stretch we have to engage and wake up our muscles if we want to see change! If you even have a tiny flame in you that wants to get healthy or "fit" light it up!!! Turn that flame into a blaze and fuel your own fire! My friends, the answer is within you and in front of you. Please do not rely on crazy diets or work out plans. The key is to balance and listen to your own body.


I am so excited to be a part of Cannabis.Net and thankful for the opportunity to reach out to the Cannamunity! Please feel free to add and follow me on here Stoner Fitness and Instagram as xsashafitnessx. 


Namaste! - Sash









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