cannabis chronic pain treatments
cannabis chronic pain treatments

What Type Of Cannabis Is Best For Chronic Pain Treatments

No Need To Smoke It Anymore, So Check These Strains Out

Posted by:
christalcann on Thursday Apr 13, 2017

What Type Of Cannabis Is Best For Chronic Pain Treatments


Although cannabis has been used for a very long time in terms as a herbal remedy for a variety of conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stress relief, etc. it is no secret that nowadays people prefer their medicine in the form of a pill! However, things seem to be changing, as cannabis is again available for medical uses, meaning that doctors in certain countries can choose to treat their patients with this herb! And the ability of cannabis to treat certain medical conditions has been put into doubt now more than ever! This is why we decided to dedicate an article to treating chronic pain by using medical cannabis, and you can decide for yourself if this is worth trying. Find out everything that you need to know about the usage of medical cannabis for chronic pain and then you can consult your doctor if you are a perfect candidate for this type of treatment or not!


Which conditions cause chronic pain?




Unfortunately, there are a variety of conditions that cause chronic pain to occur. How much do you know about Arthritis? Did you know that almost all types of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, causes chronic pain? And how about low back pain? Low back pain most commonly occurs in a chronic form which can make performing everyday activities a real challenge for you. We cannot forget about the migraines which cause almost unbearable chronic pain. These are just a few of the most common causes to blame for chronic pain! But, enough about the causes, let’s find out how we can help treat this annoying chronic pain!



Can Cannabis really treat your chronic pain?




If you are a bit skeptic that is totally understandable! Let’s discuss this study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that found out that smoking marijuana three times daily for five days has efficiently decreased the intensity of the pain, improved the mood and the sleep quality of the participants! And all of the participants were carefully chosen – they all did suffer through neuropathic chronic pain for three months before they entered the study! Still, do not believe that cannabis can treat your chronic pain?


chronic pain


The best types of Cannabis for chronic pain


Of course, your doctor is the one that will suggest the best type of cannabis for your condition, however, is never a bad thing to know all the information beforehand so that you can discuss this decision with your doctor.


•    Harlequin – is a strain that you can use during the day without experiencing any of the mental effects caused by THC since Harlequin contains 5 to 2 ratio of CBD, a known antipsychotic that controls the effects caused by THC, and THC. This is an especially efficient strain for those of you who are suffering from any type of arthritis. If you want to get a joint pain relief, then maybe Harlequin is the strain for you!


•    Cannatonic – Another strain that is perfect for daytime use with high levels of CBD and nearly less than 6% of THC! Cannatonic is yet another great strain that will decrease the symptoms of Arthritis efficiently, especially the pain and inflammation and with that, the stiffness will be gone as well with time!


•    ACDC – is named one of the best natural pain relievers thanks to, again, the levels of CBD and THC!


•    Afghan Kush – is probably not the strain that you would like to try during the daytime. Why? It is because of the high levels of THC contained in the Afghan Kush that will cause strong physical and mental effects. Because Afghan Kush is a type of indicia – a strain that affects the whole body with its effects, you might want to test it out if this strong smelling strain is the one for you. However, it seems as this is a small price to pay for what you are getting in return. And what is that? We are talking about gradually decreased inflammation and pain relief because of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory terpenes present in the Afghan Kush!



•    White widow – is a perfect half-sativa, half-indica that has gotten the best from those two. Unlike the Afghan Kush’s strong smell, you will enjoy the calming aroma of the White Widow while your body enjoys the pain relief and the uplifting effect that the White Widow creates!



•    SuperBud – is a strain that promises pain relief for patients who are suffering from multiple sclerosis, AIDS, cancer and any other condition that causes neuropathic pain. The SuperBud is one strong Indica if you ask us and luckily for that, it can calm very intense pains and relax your mind efficiently!



•    Dynamite – is the perfect strain that will allow you to get rid of your pain just in time to enjoy a good night sleep. Maybe the name of it does not say exactly that, but its users sure swear by it! Dynamite is also perfect for those of you who are dealing with painful muscle cramps as it will cause the perfect feeling of relaxation and give you a few hours without any pain!



Chronic pain is not an easy thing to live with, which is why, luckily, the doctors nowadays discover new treating methods and accepting some of those that have been known of for ages. One of those is the medical use of cannabis. Cannabis can efficiently give your body a pain relief, even when we are talking about strong, chronic pain caused by a variety of reasons, including arthritis, AIDS, cancer, etc. So if you are tired of having to deal with arthritis pain, then maybe it is time to try something new! You can always try a modern method of pain relief such as Blue-Emu, but you can also try something that our ancestors swear by – the use of medical cannabis! We sure hope that we successfully informed you about the most efficient cannabis strains when it comes to decreasing your chronic pain. It is up to you if you are ready to try something as traditional as cannabis is, or if you are going to stick to the modern medicine methods!









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