Why Cannabis Is The Best Preventative Medicine
How Marijuana Slows the Aging Process and Keeps Us Youthful from CannabisNet on Vimeo.
It can get tiring to keep up with the health fads that seem to pop up every season. But with cannabis, the science is there.
Just like what our buddy Neil deGrasse Tyson said: “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” And science says that the endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating almost every single biological process in the human body, and helps to restore homeostasis when we’re sick.
When we keep our health in check to prevent disruptions in the endocannabinoid system, in turn it helps us prevent debilitating ailments from developing, particularly those that progress with age such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, heart problems, and more. Instead of shelling out your hard-earned money on too many medicines and smoothies, why not integrate cannabis into your lifestyle? After all, it is the only preventative medicine you’ll ever need. Using cannabis in conjunction with other therapies to stay healthy will reduce your risk for disease and ensure that your endocannabinoid system remains healthy for a long time.
Here’s what cannabis can prevent:
Cancer: Numerous studies discuss how cannabis not only helps treat cancer, but also aids in prevention. A 2009 study shows that up to 20 years of cannabis use is linked to a reduced risk of head and neck squamous cancer. Another 2012 study conducted by the University of Naples reveals that CBD has a chemopreventative effect in animal models, while a 1996 study showed that THC reduced the recurrence of hepatic and benign adenoma tumors.
Age-related cognitive decline: Findings by the British Journal of Pharmacology tell us that cannabis contains cannabinoids that prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, age-related dementia, Huntington’s disease, and others. These neurodegenerative diseases are caused by a build up of oxidative stress in the brain, as well as exposure to chronic brain inflammation and intracellular dysfunction; and cannabis use has been shown to significantly reduce these conditions. Other studies also suggest that consuming low doses of THC over a long period of time is beneficial in reducing age-related learning and memory problems, as opposed to smoking large amounts.
Inflammation: Hundreds of diseases from mild to debilitating are attributed to inflammation. These include headaches, cancer, arthritis, asthma, diabetes and much more; most of which can be prevented by integrating anti-inflammatory therapies in your life such as cannabis. Studies show that cannabinoids aid in controlling the response of the immune system and help to suppress inflammatory responses in the body. Both THC and CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system in many ways to prevent and reduce inflammation, and thereby preventing numerous ailments. In a 2008 study, animal models suffering from swollen paws were given oral doses of beta-carophyllene, a compound found in cannabis. The results were astounding: they showed as much as 70% decreases in inflammation.
Heart disease: Research shows that cannabis may have the same effects on the heart as prescription drugs that are taken to prevent heart disease – and without the side effects. These cannabinoids can protect the heart from several dangerous heart problems and complications including atheroscelerosis, heart attacks, stroke, and hypertension. Another study published in the International Journal of Cardiology suggested that endocannabinoid deficiencies likely contribute to heart failure. Since cannabis is known to increase heart rate, medicating with the herb while you’re young as a form of prevention is better than using it if you’re already diagnosed with a heart condition.
Signs of aging: Cannabis contains powerful antioxidants that can rival the latest beauty cream out there. It can protect you from showing signs of aging from the inside out because the antioxidants protect you from free radicals caused by environmental pollutants and stress, increasing the risk of developing wrinkles, fine lines, and other age-related symptoms on the skin. Studies show that animal models that were bred not to have any CB-1 receptors showed signs of early neurodegeneration; their skin also showed changes as it developed similarities to the skin of older mice.
Cannabis, consumed with a healthy diet and fitness regimen, is still the best way and safest way to prevent disease while keeping you young from the inside out.